Part 17

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Zane and Lucky pick both me and Lyric and yell “THIS IS SPARTA!!!” “ YEET” Dawn yells. While Conor is running behind us laughing.

*Once They got outside* 

“What the Hell was that!” Lyric yells while laughing “It had to be done” said Lucky” said Lucky and Zane. Dawn and Conor are laughing their eyes out in the background. “You guys are lucky your like family to me cause if your weren’t y’all would be dead by now” said Lyric laughing. “You liar your to soft to do that” says Lucky and Dawn smoothly.
“That is true” says Conor. “W-What your not supposed to side with them I would do it if I wanted to-”said Lyric. “You don’t even kill the bugs In, Your own house so how could you Fucking kill your family” Zane says. “Shut up already!”Lyric says, embarrassed.

*Walking to the lab*

“My legs are Fucking Tired” Dawn said exhausted. “Lazy Ass~” Lyric replies "Oh Shut your Ass up Lyric!" Dawn said Pissed. Zane picked up Dawn and Said "He's not Wrong~" then ran. 

“Fuck You Zane!” Yells Dawn. Zane put Dawn Down.  “Cmon Lazy Ass run” said Lyric running behind Zane. Conor and Lucky chase after lyric and Zane both yelling “ Dawn hurry up” 

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