Chapter 1: Train Tracks

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A/N: Alright you thirsty fucks I've seen so many thirst traps and I've decided to feed into this. Cause lets be honest deep down we all have a mask fetish. Anyway you're 18 in this story because I saw that Frank is like thirty and year we aren't catching a case today, other characters such as Tricky and Jake etc will be 16-18.Have fun reading. You thirsty fucks.

You listened as the heel of your beat up vans hit the top of the train as you swung your legs back and forth. Ah yes, another quiet afternoon where you snuck into the loading dock and peacefully sat on the trains. You listened to music and watched the sunset from the top of the train, the music drowned out any noise surrounding you, leaving you with the warm hues of the sunset and the occasional bird flying by. You let out a content sigh, Ah yes, this is bliss you thought. It wasn't uncommon for you to come to this loading dock, in fact you come here all the time with Jake, Tricky, and Fresh to stir up trouble. It was always the best adrenaline rush when the guard chased you all, he still never managed to catch you guys.

You recently became a freshman in college, and it was utterly exhausting. It was nothing like it was in movies and TV shows. It was just a mountain of overpriced books and tears. Making moments like this even more valuable. You did also manage to make more friends in college, as well as get a better paying job helping you to get your own apartment. It was a tiny one bedroom place but it was cozy to you. You still missed high school, you missed picking up the gang and driving them to school with you. You were the oldest of the bunch and recently graduated from the high school you guys were at. Jake and fresh were in their senior year and Tricky was in her Junior year,

Leaning back you let your back hit the cool metal of the train, covering your eyes with your arm to block the ray of sunlight from harming you (e/c) orbs. That was when you heard a sound you ultimately dreaded. Barking. You groaned in annoyance as you pushed yourself into a sitting position, ready to outrun the guard. You stood on the train and peered down at the Large guard and his annoying little mutt.

"Well what a sight for sore eyes, I was wondering when I was going to be blessed with your presence." You sarcastically announced. Feeling the rise of adrenaline start to kick.

"You're getting too old for stuff like this (L/N), you make my job more difficult than it has to be!" He yelled back up at you, his mutt chiming in with its own little argument.

"Yeah yeah, i'll just be taking my leave now if you don't mind." And with that you started sprinting across the train, looking back behind you to see the man still following behind you. "Persistent as ever I see?" You panted as you ran, your stamina running thin.

The dog was dragging him causing him to stumble over everything in his path, the sight would've made you laugh if he wasn't gaining on you. You turned a corner and came across what looked to be an abandoned subway station. Without any second thought you ran down the steps of the moss covered building. You ran and ran until you tripped over a train track. You fell with an 'oof'. You stayed on the ground for a second, your breath coming out heavy as you wiped the sweat off your forehead and pushed your hair out of your face. You stood up and got a look at your surroundings. You were definitely in a subway station of sorts. Surrounding you were broken and rundown subway trains, and tiled walls that were broken and discolored.

Part of your mind was screaming to get out, telling you that this was something out of an "It" movie. However there was a tiny tiny voice, telling you that whatever was in here could be interesting. You grabbed your phone out of your pants pocket and turned on the flashlight. You immediately start walking around curious about your surroundings. You turned around and saw a piece of green graffiti on the wall, undoubtedly Jakes. You laughed to yourself.

"Oh c'mon Jake, you knew about a place this cool and decided not to tell me?" You chuckled silently to yourself and took out your phone.

You took a few pictures of the graffiti and closed the camera app. You checked the time. Ugh it's already dark, I should try to get home. Reluctantly you put your phone back in your pocket. You got ready to turn around when you bumped into something. You fell backwards and let out a whine as you hit your back pretty hard. When you looked up what you saw scared you to the core. You were met with a man in a neat suit and a bunny mask staring down at you. You froze and couldn't feel anything except for the burning stare given off from the man. His deep red eyes looked directly into yours, and you were unable to read any sort of emotion from him. You laid there completely still for a minute. Get up, Get up, what if he decides to attack get up NOW. Your thoughts were panicking and suddenly your fight or flight kicked in. With a grunt you tried to kick just where his knee was. He didn't budge. Not a flinch, he didn't even stumble. This made your heart race even faster.

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