Chapter 2: Midnight

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Alright Fuckos so today im probably going to try to write a bit in Frank's perspective. Please bear with me and not much is known about him so his personality is gonna be what I'd perceive him as. Happy ready you kinky bastards :)

You awoke to your alarm clock screaming at you. Oh right, You had classes today. You groaned to yourself, immediately regretting your decision of staying out late last night. You rubbed the sleep away from your eyes and immediately saw your bruised wrists.Memories of last night flooded your mind, and oddly enough you felt more calm with the situation. You remembered that he'd be showing up at your apartment at midnight tonight. And a wave of emotions flooded your mind. You felt nervous, you didn't know what was going to happen when he came here. However you also felt oddly excited? It was hard to explain.

You decided you were going to get up and get dressed when you heard your phone ding


-Goodmorning, You didn't forget me did you~

A smile curved at your lips. You found this message oddly cute, and decided to give it the same energy.


-Well how could I, I don't think anyone would forget someone who wears a mask like that. Good Morning to you also

You picked out your outfit for the day and decided to head out to school. You grabbed your roller skates and started to skate down the sidewalk to the college that was close by. You didn't skateboard much like the rest of the gang, but I roller skated all the time, you were known for it among them. You looked at your phone again while you were skating to school.


-Ah, so you roller skate? That's interesting, you seem to be quite good at it.

You came to a halt, How did he even see you? You looked around you trying to see if you could spot him anywhere.


-How can you see me? Where are you?


-Your phone camera darling. It's not hard to hack into it, especially since i'll be keeping a close eye on you from now on.

Your face flushed at the new nickname he gave you. Who knew a simple word like 'darling' could make someone so weak in the knees. You shook away the thought from your head. Even if his personality seems cute you can't trust this dude yet. You also didn't know how you felt about him hacking into your phone camera, but well you didn't have a say in the matter. You decided to send a goodbye as you arrived at school and tucked your phone away.

Frank POV

As I finished my conversation with (Y/N) I went to fill more details of her and aspects of her life into my file of her. I needed to know as much as I could about her. She saw things she shouldn't've that day in the subway station, and I needed to keep a constant eye on her.

I sighed deeply and leaned by in my swivel chair, and brushed my hair out of my face. Fuck. I took out the picture I stapled onto her file. I took it off her as she ran home the night we met.

Truth be told, I'm not supposed to let people live if they see something they are not supposed to. I either take hostages or kill them on the spot if possible. But... I just couldn't. There was something about the look in her eyes, she looked so fragile. So scared when I held her. It was a rush for sure, but I hated the pained look on her face. I decided to spare her from any more pain and make my own rules.

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