They're Here

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( Lucy's pov)

As I wake to greet our new Russian visitors, most of France wakes for a long day of work. Possible bombings and attacks coming from the Cleet. The Cleet are the rebels, they don't like us, the royals. We have never gotten to really contact them or communicate directly, but we believe they are from the poorest parts of France. We also have the guests from America, Alex Warren, The Prince. Good alliance, not so good man. And I could live without both. But, the Prince of Russia, Clayton Mann, is quite the talk around these parts. Supposedly every princess in Europe wants him. Not only because he is one of the heirs to the biggest empire in the world, but because he is quite handsome. I personally hope he is at least nice.

" Lucy, they're here!" yells my mother. You'd think she would send a maid to get me, but too much time would be at waste, in her opinion, " Lucy!"

" I'm coming!" I yell back, as she keeps yelling my name. I take one last look at myself in the mirror. My corseted deep blue dress, diamond earrings, and my long blonde hair, pulled into a tight, beautiful bun on my head. My makeup simple, nudes and blush to add life. My green eyes pop against the dress and makeup.

I walk down the corridor quickly . My mother and my brother have already lined up, and I quickly squeeze into my place as the vast front gates open.

My brother leans over to give me a wry grin.

"You gonna try and steal Clayton for yourself?" he asks

A smirk plays on the edges of my lips, " Yeah right," I say, " as if I would ever want someone that is already wanted by everyone else in Europe." we both laugh quietly.

As the broad daylight shines in through the now open gates, I can see a lovely family of three, fashionably dressed, in... Is that... royal French attire? How could they have done that I wonder?

They climb the steep steps, and line up in a similar row in front of us.

"Nice to meet you Cole" says the older man, introducing himself to my brother

The female greets my mother with, " Isabella, nice to finally meet you," And I can't catch the others names, because a very attractive man comes up to me and introduces himself to me with, " Miss. Nice to meet you," he gives my hand the most careful kiss. Barely touching, but enough to confuse me. I don't know how to feel, his light brown hair covers his bright blue eyes until they look up to meet my green. " You must be Lucy Sherrin."

I gather myself enough to say, " That means you must be Clayton Mann" I hope my face shows that I'm seemingly unfazed by his little show, although I do think to give him a small greeting smile.

As we lead them down the halls, past the sitting rooms and the dining areas, Cole leans close and asks, "Have you made any moves yet on pretty boy?"

I sigh, and elbow him in the arm. " No. And if I did,I wouldn't tell you." I reply. 

Finally we reach the rooms. Cole walks off to talk to some of the maids, probably about getting some room snacks and personal maids for the three. This leaves mom to take the King and Queen to their room thus leaving me and Clayton alone. It will be fine, just show him his room, then leave, I tell myself

" Looks like i'll be showing you to your room," I clear my throat," Mr. Mann."

" Call me Clayton, if you will. Unless it's too informal for you. I hear about how strict France is on formality." he replies, giving a little chuckle.

"Sure. But only of you call me Lucy. What formality?" I say jokingly, with a smirk spreading on my face and he laughs along.

I finally get him to his room, and as I start to leave after talking to his maids, of course they're new on the job, trying to get everything settled, he catches me off guard completely. He grabs my hand, says my name softly and brings me back slowly from my frantic state. So gentle, yet startling. Hearing my name slip out of his lips that softly, smoothly, takes my breath out just as soon as I drew it in.

" Sorry, I can't remember if you ever told me there was a garden." his voice so soft, so gentle, very quiet but just loud enough to hear.

" Yes, they are over by the Front Staircase." I reply, forcing the rising heaton my face.

" Thank you." he says, in a sort of sad tone. I would ask why he sounded so sad, but I need to leave this room. It's as if when I look at him I lose my breath. Why does he make me feel this way? Unsettled because I don't know him, yet safe as if he's an old friend. I can't think to try to explain what is happening. I have to think.

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