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(Lucy's pov)

I've prepared a carriage, and everything he will need. Now all he has to do is pack. There is a knock on my door, and I dismiss my maids, then I go open it. It's Clayton. Why can't he just leave my broken little heart alone.

" Thank you, for everything. Your hospitality was greatly appreciated." He says. A grave expression covers his face. It is hot in here. But it was hot before he got here. Although my maids set the room to sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Clayton looks me in the eye when I don't respond.

" Are you sure you're okay?" I nod. But then black fades my vision, and I start to sway. Clayton swoops me up in his arms, and carries me to the hospital wing. And they let him stay with me. I'm hooked to all kinds of machines. Apparently I hadn't been eating or sleeping enough, so my body was failing. Hmpft. Exciting. Now I am cold, which means maybe my fever broke a little. Or at least for the first time. Clayton sees me shiver and brings me more blankets.

" You should go. I am fine now, and you have a country to go back to." I say. The words hurt. Like knives being thrown at my heart.

" I am not leaving you like this. My stupid country can wait. You are much more important to me." I shiver again.

I smile. But the blankets aren't helping in the least.

" Clayton?" I say, grabbing for his hand. He gives it to me.

" Yes princess. What is it." I laugh a little

" Im a queen now genius."

" Oh yeah. Right." He laughs too.

" Anyway. I am still cold." I say hoping he gets the message. He nods and I smile a big crooked grin at him. He sighs and caves in against his better judgement. He slips into the covers with me. I roll onto my side, facing out, and I feel a hand wrap around my waist. And for once in a week, I feel warmer.

a/n: it broke me to write that... this is the prime time of loneliness. can anyone agree? haha

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