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   I have one thing to say to all you slender fans out there. HOW THE HELL IS HE SCARY?! He's a MAN in a tuxedo! He probably gave Justin Timberlake the idea of the song suit in tie. He looks like a damn lamp post with arms, legs and a tux. Maybe he just wants a hug or, just wants your face. If he came up to me and asked for my face I would let him know.

   "Sure! You want my damn face? Here take it! It ain't like I need I anyways!" And he's gonna be all like.

   "Yay!" And just stands there.... Staring at me with his paper face while I'm looking like an idiot trying to rip off my face. Then I'll realize it was my imagination and that my friends are watching me in horror. Then Imma have to explain it and my friends are gonna run away from me like sonic. Anyways, off topic there. If he wants a hug, GIVE HIM A DAMN HUG OR DRAW HIM A FACE!! Don't just leave him in the woods with no face, maybe he left his face at home and can't see. Don't take him home cause offender might rape you, but anyways, he might need twenty dollars to buy a new face from the Halloween store. Shesh, give him some slack, he's obviously a bumb if he acts for twenty dollars. He lives in the woods begging people for money. I would give twenty dollars.

   "Give me twenty dollars!"

   "If you want twenty dollars USE YOUR MANNERS!" And he would turn into a little kid and be like.

   "Can I please have twenty dollars?" And then I would get suspicious.

   "Why do you need twenty dollars? Are you going to buy more crack?! It all over your face slendie. Imma have to call the cops." And then I slowly walk away with the poker face and he will grab me by the collar of my jacket with one of his tentacles.

   "What about the twenty dollars? Please!" Then I would think of something for him to do to earn twenty dollars.

   "You can do a little dance and I will give you twenty dollars and I won't tell the cops." Then he gets all happy and does a victory dance and Jeff will see what's going on and walk away with a blank face.

   "Here you go you can have you twenty dollars!" And he snatches it out of my hand, and kills me. Damn it slender! Your not scary your annoying slender! I want to punch you in you damn baby butt face! I think my ragging is done.

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