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It had been one week.

One week since Massimo had given her autonomy of the restaurant. She found that she enjoyed running such a stylish place. Granted, it needed some work, as the last manager didn't find the need to have the place re-painted, but she was glad to be able to do that. Massimo would stop in during the evening time to walk her back to the villa, but instead of finding that annoying, she reveled in being able to talk with the man.

While at the restaurant's back office she would carve out time for Massimo's books to see where the discrepancy lie. She was still on the hunt for where a portion of the money went, but was confident she would find it. She told him so during one of their routine walks back to his home.

"I have no doubt you will find what you need to, Laura," he said quietly gazing at her intently. She typically wasn't one to blush, but she felt her cheeks heating from his gaze alone. It was official. Massimo made her feel absolutely giddy, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Everything was going well. Too well.

And that worried her.

Really, could everything be this simple? She comes back to him and she runs a restaurant, they live happily ever after? Laura wouldn't lie, the thought filled her with a warmth that had been missing for a long time. She just didn't know if-


The elephant in the room was their sexual relationship. It was of course, wonderful, but Laura was amazed to find that they never spoke of it the next day. Massimo came to her room almost every night and he would make passionate love to her, causing her to forget her own name at times. Afterward he would hold her close, and she would pretend to be asleep while he told her how much he loved her and wanted her forever. But morning would come and he would talk about the business. She was not ashamed to admit she was stunned by the recent turn of events, and it must've shown on her face this morning because as soon as Massimo left for business in town with Domenico Jamie stood beside her.

"He's in love with you," she said softly. Laura snapped her head over to the woman before laughing nervously.

"He thinks he's in love with me. I'm the only one who gives him this resistance, and it probably makes him want something he can't have," Laura said automatically. Janie raised a brow.

"That may be true. But the fact of the matter is Massimo is in love with you. And I can tell by the look on your face his actions surprise you."

Setting down her fork, she crossed her arms over her chest before biting her lip. Janie continued.

"I understand that the start you had previously was rocky. There was a lot of distrust and rightfully so. But Laura, you came back. Even after everything that happened, the moment you thought he was hurt you came back home. And that gave Massimo all the hope he needed. So he figures he'll wait until you're ready. And honestly, that's the smartest thing the man has done in ages," she said ending with a wink. Laura found herself giggling at the action.

"I just don't want to-"

"I know, dear. But you cannot live in fear. You have to ask yourself which is important. Having Massimo, or walking away to start your own life? I don't think either option is wrong, but you need to make sure for yourself if it's the right course of action for you. Because at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Not pleasing someone else, but making yourself happy. The road you take is what you have to live with."


"Is this one of the men who tried to have me killed?" Massimo asked from the dark truck. They drove into a warehouse and saw the man tied to a chair. He looked frantic and judging by his lack of clothes, did not expect to be picked up from the comforts of his bed.

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