Family Dinner

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after several hours of hanging out, talking, and watching weird youtube videos, noya, tanaka, and ennoshita were back for dinner.

it was a little crowded- our table wasn't exactly made to seat eight people at once after all, especially given that there were usually only three of us at most.

however, we made it work by pulling up some extra chairs, and tanaka and noya sat on the couch nearby since the table couldn't fit more than six- even with the extra chairs.

masumi and i had made tonkatsu for everyone with a simple side salad, and emiko had gone to use the neighbor's kitchen to make a 'surprise dessert' for later.

i was a bit curious, but i had an idea of what it might be.

everyone was just making pleasant small talk, until emiko said, "technically pop tarts are calzones and uncrustable sandwiches are raviolis."

masumi slammed their silverware down roughly on the table.

"goddamnit! just one peaceful dinner, that's all i ask for!"

"okay, but think about it-!"

"i don't want to!"

"no, no, she's got a point," tanaka said through a mouthful of food.

"yeah, i wanna hear more about this," noya added.

"i'm also curious about the logic," suga piped in.

"so pop tarts have that breaded outside and the hot filling inside, right? bam, calzone. uncrustables- again, breaded outside, filling on the inside. ravioli! the shape helps too. and, technically by that logic... since the earth has a crust on the outside and a hot, molten inside... it's almost like a pizza roll!"

masumi got up and started pacing around in irritation.

i chuckled slightly. this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. although i was surprised masumi was being so outspoken and confident in front of these people they didn't know too well.

"what's next?! are you gonna say a hot dog is a sandwich?!"

emiko gasped.

"wait, you're right! i never though of that! and also, i guess tacos are like a sandwich! or maybe hot dogs are tacos?!"

they clapped their hands together and sighed deeply.

"okay. i'm going to turn around and close my eyes. i'm gonna take ten deep breaths and then return to the table."

they did just that, turning their back on the table, and after the count of ten, returned to the table with an uncanny smile.

"i'm so sorry about that little outburst. what were we talking about?"

"oh! that pop tarts are-"

they glared at emiko.

"before that, i meant."

she shrugged and grinned innocently, and masumi took another deep breath before schooling their face again.

"wow!" daichi cut in. "this tonkatsu is very good! thank you for making it for all of us, asahi and watanabe."

masumi blushed a little.

"uh, yeah, no problem."

ah yes, there was that familiar shyness.

although i couldn't say much, since i was pretty much in the same boat, except i had known these people for years, so i had no reason to be shy or nervous now.

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