chapter 1:a name?

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1 week later...

Eevee:sis i gotta go find some food just stay here and never get out.


Eevee:okay i trust you bye.


After eevee leaves...

Eevee2:now what...

Meanwhile in eevee1....

Eevee:lets see i got some pecha berries and a couple leppa berries hmm i think thats enough for a couple of days
I think.

and then he heard some mon talking.he then saw that it was a lucario and litleo talking to each other.

Lucario:hey did you heard that a shedninja's speed limit is up to 95mph.

Litleo:yeah and i also heard that in just 10 minutes he already traveled from solarflare city to crystal cave.

Lucario:yeah that was really impresive is'nt it.

Eevee:speed limit... Speed...
Crystal cave.... Crystal...
Solarflare city.... Solarflare...

Eevee:speed...speed! That can be my name. Crystal...crystal that could be my sister's
name and solarflare can be our unhatched little sibling's name

Eevee:those would be great names for us.

Meanwhile at the treehouse...

Eevee2 is sleeping in her bed until...

Eevee:hey sis im home!



Eevee2:its okay what do you got.

Eevee:i got a couple of pecha berries,leppa berries and i also got good news.

Eevee2:really what is it?

Eevee:i got a name for you,me,and for our unhatch little sibling's name would be solarflare!

Eevee2:really what is it!

Eevee:ok your name would crystal,my name would be speed
And our little brother's name would be like it

Crytal:i dont like it cause i love it!!! thanks by the way

Speed:your welcome.

Speed:but there is one single problem.

Crystal:what is it?

Speed:the problem is we will never knew if our little  sibling would be a boy or a girl  until he hatch.

Crystal:oh yeah that is a problem since the name solarflare is just for a boy not for a girl.

Speed:well that not our problem now for the meanwhile lets just eat shall we.

Crystal:with pleasure!

After they eat...

Crystal:that was good.

Speed:yea hey wanna play.

Crystal:okay what game.

Speed:hmm tag?


Crystal then touches speed

Crystal:ha! Tag!

Speed:that's not fair!

Crystal:*:P* catch me if you can!

Speed:still not fair but still im gonna catch you!

Crystal and speed are running outside their house...

Speed:crystal where are you.

Speed is still finding crystal
Until he got lost... where am i am i lost...

???:oh no a wild pokemon i need to capture it.

Speed turned back he then saw a shinx that attacked him with a thunder shock but missed

Speed:gah!! Dont hurt me!!

Shink:you can run but you cant hide you wild pokemon.

Speed:wait wild not a wil.....

He then got tripped by a rock and falls to the ground.


Shinx:i got you you got nowhere to go now wild pokemon!!

Speed:hey im mot a wild pokemon im just lost.

Shinx:......wait your not.

Speed:yes im not.

Shinx:.....oh ah...s-sorry.

Speed:its okay good thing your bad at aiming.

Shinx:hey im not!

Speed:okay okay can you please get of me now.

Shinx:oh yeah sorry.

Speed stand's up

Trace:by the way my names trace and you are.

Speed:im speed.

Trace:thats a nice name.

Trace:um ahh can we go out some days you know just the two of us?...

Speed:you do know im a guy do you.

Trace:o///o wait you are!!

Speed:do i really like a girl to you



Crystal:speed!!!!where are you!!!

Crystal then founds speed.

Crystal:there you are i thought you were lost i was worried.

Speed:well i do got lost but when
An abnormal mon almost hitted a thundershock i ran and now i still dont know where am i.

Trace:and that abnormal mon would be me.....

Crystal:um speed who is he.

Speed:oh him he"s trace the guy chased this far.

Trace:i did say sorry.

Speed:yea yea whatever bye.

Trace:wait can i come with you two.

Speed:huh fine.

A few hours went by.......

Speed:ok were here and this is were we live.

Trace:its kinda small.

Speed:yea but its okay bye.


Speed:hmm what a wierd day isnt it.


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