Wholesome moments with your local soft demon boy 🥺💖✋🏽#3

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STREAM KILLA KILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Motivation? Gone 
Inspiration? Nada 
My love for Anti? STILL HERE BITCH

"Please no...please no OH COME ON!" I yell in frustration as I cling onto my umbrella which is currently being tossed around like a toy thanks to the outrageously strong wind. I groan, as my umbrella turns itself upside down before finally breaking, leaving me annoyed, wet and fucking freezing. I try my best to close my umbrella and decide to just speed walk my way to work. I can't believe I thought it would be a great idea to walk in this weather?! What was I thinking?! As I quicken my pace, I see a truck zoom past from the corner of my eye and I already know what's going to happen. "NO! OH SH-" I yell out, half in surprise and half in shock as a massive wave of water splashes onto me, soaking my clothes and now definitely, ruining my makeup. I suppress the urge to scream and decide to focus on getting to work as quickly as possible. As I begin to walk I notice that even though I'm completely wet, I don't feel any rain falling onto me. I look up only to be met with the inside of a black umbrella. I halt and turn to see a tall man, with dark brown hair and pretty dark blue eyes. He continues to walk and suddenly realizes I'm not there. He turns around and quickly runs back, positioning the umbrella above my head and flashing me a smile. 

"Sorry lass, didn't know you stopped." He says, his Irish accent catching me by surprise. I stare at him, slightly confused and he quickly speaks again, 
"Oh uh, I was walking past and I saw you get hit by that, splash...so i thought I might help you. I don't know if it does, you're already wet. But I thought that uhh maybe you'd appreciate it? I'm sorry am I talking too much? I should have introduced mys-" 
"It's okay!" I say, cutting him off. "This is a really nice thing to do, I appreciate it." I smile, patting his shoulder and we begin to walk. He returns my smile and offers to walk me to my office. 
"I'm Anti by the way." 
"My name's y/n!" As we talk, I realize that I probably look like a mess, with wet hair and smeared makeup, I'm definitely not looking the best. Anti on the other hand, stands out in the rain. His hair is only slightly wet and his dark eyes shine against the grey skies. 
"Here we are lass." We stop at a large office building and I breathe out a sigh of relief. 
"Thank you so much, you're an angel!" I say, giving him a wet hug. He laughs, hugging me back. 
"No problem. Anytime your umbrella breaks, I'll be there." He says, winking and I feel my heart melt. 
"Do you mind if I get your number?" I ask and he nods as I hand him my phone. He quickly adds his number before handing it back to me with a warm smile. 
"See you around?"
"See you around! Thanks again, you're a life saver!" I reply and laughs it off, waving goodbye as I step into my building. 

anyway this is short and boring, but also slightly based on what happened today lol. Umbrella broke because of the mf wind and I had to walk the rest of the way to school smh

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