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THE SMELL OF COFFE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING IS SICKENING, It was strong and could linger in the air for hours Elise despised the bitter taste of it. unfortunately, she had a roommate that couldn't go more than an hour without drinking it.

the dynamic duo clicked despite that they couldn't agree on which beverage was better for your body to consume in the morning coffee or a plain old cup of organic orange juice, she scowls and glares at Maddox from across the small table nose scrunched up in disgust as the liquid was poured into his mouth.

"you're disgusting." Elise spits tossing the daily newspaper in his direction refusing to let him see a smile crack once the paper does successfully make contact with he's surprisingly solid figure, "hey!" he protests leaping from his seat groaning in pain.

"your so overdramatic." she whines standing up collecting her bowl no matter what he said Maddox never cleaned up after himself or even helped clean their apartment. Elise would love to protest his laziness especially considering she was rarely around.

the spoon clatters against the side of the bowl as it's carelessly tossed into the stainless steel sink, "I'm going to work now please lock the door on your way out." she pleads turning her back to him rejecting another on of his lame attempts to steal a kiss, a bet they made at the ripe age of 19, oh how quickly time flies.

Maddox was an intern at the hospital, he had high hopes of becoming a surgeon. it made Elise jealous from time to time not only did her bestfriend get all the good looks he was practically a genius, who wouldn't want what he received.

the apartment door slams behind Elise as she makes her way to an elevator, tapping the button ferociously anxious to get out onto the streets and possibly stir up some trouble.

Elise stepped into the elevator calmly swinging the satchel over her shoulder, it was another cold morning and quite frankly she was already getting sick of it.

Detroit always had horrible weather moving would do a lot more good than harm, although, she didn't have the heart to leave behind her family and close friends.

If she was given the opportunity to forget about it all then hand her a ticket and she's on her way, some may call that selfish but Elise would believe otherwise.

she stepped out of the elevator and picked up her pace to exit the building staying inside too long felt overwhelming almost like she didn't have the ability to breathe any longer.

the city was large and full of people some were decent others Elise wanted to pounce on and gouge out their eyes, it'd make for a good Halloween scare with all of the younger children.

They probably wouldn't even stop at the apartment, one could only hope.

Elise made a steady income to help pay rent and supply food to their apartment but she still felt that it wasn't enough.

Her work uniform was a simply yellow dress with the diner logo stitched into it and a white apron that hung around her waist, the hard part was faking a smile for the customers.

"you're late." Kevin scolds as soon as his employee steps through the door, not even sparing a fraction of a smile.

Elise flips him off from behind and grabs the notepad from the pocket of her apron sliding past coworkers, "good morning, what can I get for you?"

The men sitting in the small booth eyed her off like a piece of meat almost salivating at the mouth, "can I get a piece of your pie?" they break into obnoxious laughter and slap him on the back as if harassing a woman was an achievement.

She glanced around the busy diner and smacks his coffee onto his expensive pants, "oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The apology rolls off her tongue venomously.

The man groans and flares at her he picks up a napkin and waves it around "dry it off." He demands angrily.

"sorry sir, I've got other orders to take." Elise winks and walks away her white shoes squeaking on the recently polished floors, a woman begins waving frantically.

"Good Morning! What can I get for you?" she puts on a fake smile listening intently as the woman begins to ramble gesturing towards a man sitting beside her.

"sausage and eggs with a side of bacon." Elise repeats, "it'll be right out." She spins on her heel and pulls the slip of paper from the notepad slipping it to the chef.

he snickers and dismissed her with a wave of his hand she exhales loudly and tightens her ponytail examining the amount of customers left in the retro diner.

"oh fuck me." she whispers.

ESTRANGE ➳ Dick Grayson Where stories live. Discover now