Beauty and Essex

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How do bones carry such godly flesh in shades such as yours.. kissed by the sun wet with pure bliss you walk among this man with scriptures of the highest..

your scent smells like sex and flowers allow me to mix  your juices with my man made,  making rues of your appreciation.

I focus my scope on your body's behaviors and take mental notations of your satisfied gestures. shel we fuck or make love as if either would lessen the splash of lust drunk passion we share between these pair of legs.

I want to do exactly what you've just done to me and then times it by us two. with you I'm reminded that life is worth living till the ending.. I hope I go out the way I do inside of you, oh how I would die gently happy to be part of your history.

I just play for your memory every time that time allows me to be alone with you. I want to, you want to.. maybe then we just need to choose to do! we know what this is.. we never win nor do we loose, but stale mate is still so comforting..

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