Beggining Of The End?💔

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Should I scream to vent it all out or wait to make things better? Was I destined to hold back and land into this chaos or grow up to experience surreal elation? O God, shall I approve my inner potentials to let go of hope and stay stunned to the unstoppable conscience or leave it to your hands and watch the broken shells of almighty's favourite soul? Still figuring out the answer to these questions.

Reaching out wasn't an option but I still swamped every bit of my patience into sharing my heart's thoughts and nobody listened. I couldn't afford to handle the wounded scars of my soul, so this was me on the verge of ending a beautiful yet scattered life. But, is this why I was chosen by the one who created me? Still figuring out, still figuring out.

Finally I woke up to realise the sunshine 'Most High' had casted upon me since birth. It was his plan to cringe me out of the pernicious poison I had been feeding deep within me and showed me the reality I ignored, the resources I denied and the dormant capabilities I possess, even now. Of course it was an orphanage,my father had taken me to feed the poor and help them in some or the other way. Little did he know, that he saved his daughter's life from washing away her dreams and leaving everything behind through death. I couldn't shift my attention from the glistening little happiness the young ones had in their eyes. That day, I was clearly taught that peace comes when you accept it with open arms through bliss, not after what reality distinguishes you with.

That was the moment which granted me a new life and I figured out the answer to the questions my intellectual version,dying to die inquired my soul with. The most important thing in life is ONLY YOU♥️. Blessed with parents,a healthy mind and body, beauty and grace, supportive abilities carrying a powerful aim and what not. Every creature on land has been given at least one common proficiency- the treasure to rediscover and this is what one must use to overcome negative vibes.

I urge to each of you to start thinking about yourselves, rather than believing what nudges you out of what you want to be and who you truly are. DEATH IS NOT A SOLUTION 🙏.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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