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Next Morning

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Next Morning


I yawned as I felt the sunlight graze my skin through the window, slowly slipping me out of my drowsiness. It felt oddly cold for some reason. Glancing around me as I squinted I noticed Jungkook was not beside me. Where is he? Since I was up, I decided against going back to sleep. I spent some time thinking about nothing in particular, trying to stay awake. Once I decided to get up and get ready to head to work, I spotted a tray with a plate of food, a cup of juice, and a small note on the table beside the bed. Picking up the letter, I smiled, reading a small note from Jungkook saying he left early to work.

I put the note away and carried the tray back to the kitchen to eat before I got ready and headed out. I only hoped for Jungkook to be steering away from trouble. Once I was done getting ready I checked around to see if I forgot anything only to find Jungkook's phone on the kitchen Island. I sighed picking it up, figuring I could drop it off for him. I found myself smiling as I used his phone as an excuse to steal a glance at him.

I got my keys and head out of my door and locked it before getting into my car and driving to Jungkook's office. I got there in no time and making my way up to his floor, I had a hard time trying to dodge the reporters who roamed around the building for anything to take out of context. My thoughts went back to the picture. It was still out for everyone to see and share, and having Jungkook keep quiet about it was not helping in the slightest. 

Getting to his floor, I greeted his assistant and she felt more than glad to let me meet him. Entering Jungkook's office after thanking Ms. Cha, I greeted him only to notice someone sitting across from him. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, I just came here to drop off your phone. You left it at home." I said, getting closer to hand it to him. "Hey, I'm glad you're here, honey." Jungkook got up to walk over to me as he smirked slightly, noticing my surprised expression upon hearing the word 'honey'. He kissed my cheek as his hand rested on the small of my back, leading me towards his couch. "This is Taehyung, he was just telling me how he found out a bit about Nari and Mr. Song," He said gesturing to his friend. 

"Kim Taehyung, a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry I couldn't attend your wedding. Congratulations!" He said, lending his hand for me to shake, which I did. "Jeon Y/N, nice to meet you too, I'm sorry we're bothering you with this situation," I said, genuinely feeling bad about having to burden him. "That's alright, I'm glad to be of help." He flashed a blinding boxy smile as we sat back down and I gladly returned. "Alright so I managed to find out that your ex-employee and her father have a past filled with illegal dealing and not-so-public activities," Taehyung stated, pulling out a few files and placing them in front of us. He continued, "I spoke to Namjoon and he told me about how all of this information was enough to have them both taken into custody, which would result in all of their current activities falling down the drain." I smiled at Taehyung in relief. 

Finally, these two get what they deserve.

We spent the next few hours, glancing at all the disgusting activities the two were indulged in. "Oh right!" I caught the attention of the men, "What about the picture? It's still not taken care of." I watched Jungkook and Taehyung glance at each other in realization. "Once you get rid of these guys," Tahyung said referring to Nari and Mr. Song, "You can make a statement about it all publicly, and address the picture." Jungkook nodded, understanding his idea. I was grateful to have Namjoon and Taehyung to help us out of this mess, I wouldn't have had any sort of hope if it weren't for them. After a while of going over what had to be done, Taehyung decided to take off. 

By Arrangement ~Jeon Jungkook~Where stories live. Discover now