Chapter 1

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A busy and crowded common room, full of students doing their homework. Amongst the others, one tall, blonde Slytherin is running in. This Slytherin? None other than Draco Malfoy. A Slytherin girl, Pansy Parkinson, runs towards him as he enters.

Pansy: Draco! Where have you been?

Draco (panting): Room of Requirements, Mirror of Erised. You'll never believe what I saw.

Pansy: What?

Draco: Me... and Potter... and we were... dating. Can you believe that?

Pansy: Yeah. (seeing Draco's puzzled look) Well, you go on about him all day.

Draco: That doesn't mean I like him! Does it?

Before Pansy could answer, Blaise Zabini walked in, carrying a pile of parchment.

Blaise: Would any of you two care to help me with my homework?

Pansy (rolling her eyes): Fat chance.

Draco (looking at Blaise): Can't. I need to... go to my dorm.

Draco runs up the stairs into the boys dormitory.


Pansy wasn't wrong. Draco talked about Harry a lot. He catches himself thinking about Harry all the time, too. But Draco couldn't admit that he liked Harry. He had to lie to himself about his feelings for Harry.

Knowing that his Father, Lucius, wanted a heir to prevent the Malfoy line from ending, he couldn't tell Harry he liked him, and he couldn't even tell himself he liked Harry. Draco just refused to believe it.

Ugh... you'll be the death of me, Potter.

Draco, now lying on his four-poster, was trapped in his train of thoughts. He now knew his greatest desire - to date Harry, but what would Harry's reaction be if he told him?

Harry would probably be disgusted, and never interact with him again. Draco didn't want to be ignored by the person he loved the most, and that was the greatest reason he decided against confessing to Harry.

Blaise walks into the dormitory, grabbing ink and a quill.

Blaise: What's up with you, Draco? You look really deep in thought.

Draco: It's nothing... I think I'm going to have dinner now.

Blaise: Dinner isn't ready until an hour.

Draco: Well, fuck. Then I guess I'll help you with your homework.

Blaise (pleased): Perfect.


Draco, Pansy and Blaise made their way to the Great Hall. Seeing Harry Potter walking into the Great Hall made Draco's heart skip a beat.

Draco, whispering to Pansy: How do I look?

Pansy: Same as usual, why?

       Draco glares at Harry
       Harry glares back

Pansy: You're still looking at Potter.

Draco: I'm waiting for it.

Pansy: Waiting for what?

Harry laughs while talking to Ron and Hermione.

Draco (smiling): That. His laughter.

Blaise, to Pansy and Draco jokingly: You two better start piling up your plates before I take all the food.


Draco finished eating before Pansy and Blaise (who took another serving) and decided to go back to the Slytherin Common Room first. Coincidentally, he came across Harry, Ron and Hermione as he was walking along the corridor.

Draco: Potter! You know, I think I've figured out how they choose Gryffindors.

Harry: Here we go again...

Draco, scoffing: It's people the Sorting Hat feels sorry for. See, there's you, who's got no parents. Then Weasley, who's got no money (Ron was outraged by these words). And then there's Granger, who's nothing but a filthy Mudblood.

Ron (angry): At least she tops the class every year, what about you? Always second in class behind her. How does it feel being overshadowed by a 'Mudblood'?

Draco (furious): How dare you! My Father-

Harry: Will hear about this. Yeah, we know.

Hermione: Let's not waste our time here, I've got some homework to finish up.

Harry, Ron and Hermione leave up the staircase.

Draco (still furious): Stupid Potter. (Less furious) Cute.


Draco sat in the comfiest armchairs while writing in a small book his diary

Dear Diary,
                     I recently realised earlier this afternoon that I have feelings for The Boy Who Lived. I never thought I liked him in that way until I went to take a look into the Mirror of Erised. And no, I'm not going to tell him. There's one too many things standing in between us. Plus, I doubt he shares the same feelings for me, I've been bullying him and his friends since 1st year. Not to mention he's probably straight. If I told him, I think he would avoid me forever, and I really don't want that to happen. Nobody else has ever made me feel this way, so he's... special.

-D. Malfoy

Just then, Pansy entered the common room, and scared Draco.

Pansy: Hey Draco. (Seeing the diary) What's that?

Draco: N- Nothing! Just- homework.

Pansy: I thought you already finished your homework?

Draco: Um... I-

Pansy snatches it out of Draco's hand and starts to read it.

Pansy: Awh, that's so sweet, what you wrote about Potter.

Draco (blushing scarlet): Give it back!

Pansy: I didn't know you had a diary.

Draco: Well, now you do. Ugh... this is so embarrassing...

Pansy: You should turn it into a love song.

Draco (blushing): What? No way!

Pansy: And send it over to him. Come on! You know I'll pester you about it every day until you do it.

Draco (still blushing): Fine...

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