chapter one

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m a s k e d

the gentle breeze makes the strands of your hair dance

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the gentle breeze makes the strands of your hair dance

you let the sun shine upon your face knowing it won't be able to do so for long

your skin feels free but most importantly in that moment you felt euphoric

but that's all it was a moment

"sweetheart you're going to be late"

your mum calls out to you from inside the house

you slowly stand up dusting yourself off, disappointed you couldn't stay longer

"honey you need to be careful what if the neighbours see your face"

you don't respond to your mother's warnings

it's something she's been saying since you were eight

you'd wake up early to sit in the backyard just to let the sun hug your face

and here you are at the age of eighteen still keeping up with that routine

because as soon as the mask goes on it won't come off until you go home

you trudge all the way to your room

choose your outfit

your eyes wander to your table finally landing on the small pastel pink glass with your full name

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your eyes wander to your table finally landing on the small pastel pink glass with your full name

you pin it to your jacket before grabbing your mask

after finishing breakfast you grab your mask securely placing it over your face

after finishing breakfast you grab your mask securely placing it over your face

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you sigh already feeling irritated from your vision being disturbed

here we go

whilst walking into campus you begin searching for Seokjin

it doesn't help that the boy wears a different mask almost every day

you feel someone grab your shoulders making you jump

"boo bitch" you sigh in relief hearing your best friends voice

"really a new mask?" you ask chuckling

"well I gotta make it up for the fact nobody can see my handsome face" he says, his voice dripping with confidence

"mm nah you must just be really ugly" You day smiling behind your mask as you two begin to walk

"trust me honey if you ever saw my face you'd start worshipping me"

you roll your eyes at his words as you walk into your lecture room

"anyways did you hear about Park Mandy?" you furrow your eyebrows as you two take your seats

"no what happen?"

"she showed her face to her boyfriend while they were having sex and he reported her" your mouth opens in shock behind your mask

"no way"

"she's being put into the pit today" you both shiver at just the word pit

"I liked her she was nice" you say quietly

"well sadly they don't care if you're nice or not" Jin says sadly

your eyes catch Mandys boyfriend walk in

"he looks like he got a puppy how could he be so happy" you mutter to yourself

as your lecture begins you feel someone throw something on your head

you turn around seeing a crumpled piece of paper and you roll your eyes knowing who it's from

I like your outfit baby
xx Jungkook

Masked | jungkook | jjk fanficWhere stories live. Discover now