Chapter 14 - I Am Historia

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Eren's POV

"Why are you still here?" I asked looking at them with my cold face. I am annoyed as how they still are gathered here, probably following me or something.

"Well, since you're a new member of our group, it might be great for us to know where you live" That freckled brunette which was named as Ymir half-shrugged. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and continued to walk, my hands inside my pocket.

We're reaching our house. It's only a few blocks away and I don't plan on showing them or even letting them go inside the house because I am pretty sure they are just troubles and nothing at all. But what worries me is my mom, I'm sure she'll be willingly to invite them inside, and would probably pinch my ear if I try to stop her.

We stopped at our house, which is basically a two-story house where only three people live, quite big for us right?

"So, is this your house?" The baldie, Connie asked looking astonished and amused of the house, his eyes focused on it. I'm not the one to brag so just ignore them.

"Pretty big, huh? Jaeger-Bomb" The horse face sneered, crossed his arms, smirking. "And where did you got that nickname?" I groaned, also crossing my arms and my eyes eyeing his with my deadly
look. "Chill bro" The buff Reiner persuaded making me sigh out and release my arms, and rolled my eyes. I faced forward opening the gates. "Don't expect me to invite you inside" I spoke making them stop on their knees.

Then, the front door opened, the door knob clicked, revealing my mother inside. "Oh my, you're finally home Eren, I thought it was your dad" She said walking towards me with her apron on. "Is this your new 'friends'?" She questioned looking at the people behind my back. "Yo---" "We are, if we assume, Mrs. Jaeger" a voice came which I assume to be Ymir's. I haven't even completed my word then she butt in, God damn it!

"How great, come in" my mom invited them, her arms motioned them to come in. "Mom, they need to go home so---" "Uh! uh! uh! Eren, no, treat our guests as our guests" my mom shut me up putting her index finger on to my mouth, her head shook. She walked inside the house motioning the others to come in. "I guess that it's your lose, coldie" Ymir mocked, giving a smirk and willingly walked inside the house with the others. "Ugh..." I rolled my eyes and then followed behind them.


"So, how's your day with my son?" Mom inquired placing down a tray of juice and snacks. I growled under my breath making my mom glare at me, guess what, I flinched. "It's great but what he only do was look at his phone and nothing" Ymir griped grabbing a glass of juice, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I'll admit that, this bratty son of mine doesn't know how to deal with others" my mom shook her head giving out a sigh of disappointment while messing my hair as she rubbed it. "Mom, stop" I demanded removing her hand from my hair. "Ooohh? My son really had hit his puberty level huh?" She pinched my ear making me wince and the others chuckling and giggling. The hell. My mom removed her hand from my ear and crossed her arms. "Hmph, my son never invited someone here other than Armin, so please get along with him, okay?" My mom griped and then left the room.

"'re insane" the horse face muttered making me glare at him. "What did you say horse face?" I growled. "And where did you got the horse face thing?" He returned a glare. "Cuz according to science, your face structure resemble the horse" I said or should I say roasted him making the others chuckle. He curled his hands into a fist, his head red and gritted his teeth. "What. Did. You. Say. You. Bastard!?" He whined making me smirk and the atmosphere's changed, the others stopped laughing probably noticed the situation.

"Oi, calm down Jean, we're at Eren's house!" I heard Connie whispered but half yelled at Jean. Jean seems not to mind but ignored him and then threw a fist on me but I dodged it. I took the chance to take a grip on his arm and then lifted him and threw on the ground. "Gaah!" He whimpered as he landed on the floor. He pulled himself up and rubbed his back of course in pain.

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