10. Hatano Wataru - Someone

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Hi everyone, its been so long that I updated. I'm sorry for that and here I am again! Thank you for the support and love minna-san! 💖💖💖

Special request for LadyValleryParis !😊 Who made me inspire on writing again because of her lovely comment!😍

Here's our cute Wacchan for you and everyone! ❤️ And let's think that he has no spouse here yet! But I love Mai-san too! The poem made by yours truly me! And sorry if this is short one.

(N/N) - Your nickname from Wacchan


" Finding someone you want to be with,
Is hard now a days to deal with. "

Hatano Wataro. The guy who you fall in love with. Your handsome, funny and sweet senpai. Stays with you even for the first time and even when you debut to become a seiyuu.

He always help you with the things he can. Giving you advice that really helps you alot for a being seiyuu. He deeply cares for you and the day he met you... he really believes at love at first sight.

Souma and Takuya always love to him whenever they can mostly when you're around. Leaving hin fluttered and blushing madly.

" Finding someone who can make you smile,
Someone who can make you chortle. "

When you're being down or sad, he's always there for you. He always makes you smile and laugh. Giving you your (favorite snacks) and your favorite cake which is the (favorite flavor of the cake) and even your favorite ice cream!

He spoils you. A lot.

He finds your smile, chuckles, giggles and even laugh cute, and he felt happiness and peaceful when his with you.

" Someone who will do crazy things with you,
Someone who will just accept you,
Of who you are and what you are. "

When Mamo-chan and Tattsun is together in one event, it is very chaos but the Chaos duo got you and Wataru in an event, it makes the event way more chaos than it is.

The four of you once wear ridiculous onesie that makes the audience laughs hard when you four step out in the stage.

Your co-seiyuu senpais died at laughing. The event ends with full of laughter and beautiful memory with everyone.

Wataru wouldn't ask for more of you. He loves you the way you are. The person who you are. He accepts every inch of you and even your flaws.

" I really love this girl. " he said in his mind chuckles to himself

" Finding someone you want to be with,
Is hard now a days to deal with. "

He always misses you when you're not around. After his recording, he loves to stop by your apartment and brings your favorite foods.

Sometimes, Souma and Takuya tag along with him... just to messed him up and tease him a lot.

Its makes you flattered and blush too because you feel the same way he feels about you.

The more you hang-out with him, the more you falls for him, but you didn't know that, he is too.

You and him is just coward to confess with each other.

" So, when you find this someone,
Better not to push his/her away.
Because he/she will make you feel loved someday than no one ever can. "

One day, Souma and Takuya pushed him to the edge that Wataru need to confess his feelings for you.


Wataru invites and takes you to a Sakura with a Wisteria Tree designed gazebo where he will confess everything he wants to say to you and hopefully...

He can make you HIS.

As soon as you two step in at the gazebo, in blink of an eye, he kabedon you in the post near you.

You immediately blushed and your heart beats crazily because this kind of things is usually seen in animes.

" So this is what you feel when someone you love kabedon you. Gosh. " you said to yourself blushing full shades of red if possible, " I feel like i'm dying already because Wataru kabedon me right now. "

" (Y-y/n)... I... I love you from the every start! I want you to make you mine. Your smile, your laugh, the way you giggles, damn. I love everything about you even your flaws. The way I know you more, the more I found myself loving you, (Y/n). Will you be mine and mine only? Your my happiness and all, (Y/n). I will make you fall for me everyday if I had to. " he said sincerely and sweet at you

He stops for a second just to peck to your kissable lips.

You slap his arms playfully as you blushed more, " What a sly one. "

He laughs, " Sorry! I just want to do that for a long time now. "

" You didn't even wait for me to answer your confession, you baka! "

He smirks at you, still in kabedon position, " I know you love me~ I know you care~! "

You playfully rolled-eyes at him, " JB? Really now, Wacchan? You know, I hate that song. "

(A/N : No offence if your a JB fans. ✌🏻I like his other songs but not all. :>)

He just laughs at me, " So will you be mine, my treasure? "

" Is there any other choice do I have? " this time you smirk at him

He smirks back, " Yes or Yes? "

You laugh at his options that makes him laugh too.

" I love you, Wataru Hatano. From the start till death do us part. "

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