Kairi's pov...
After school finished i walked to Maiyas and Naveahs school since my mom wanted me to pick them up. We went back to my house to pick up the food my mom made and then we went to Lyrics house.
Naveah: can we not just eat the food ourselves?
Maiya: yeh Lyric probably isn't even going to eat it anyways so there's no point in waisting food.
Kairi: no mom said we have to give her the food!
Maiya: ok ok chill.__
We where near Lyrics house when heard the boys and Taylor call us.
Taylor: hey are u going to lyrics?
Kairi: yeh my mom wanted us to give her food.
Maiya: which she won't eat it.
Naveah: wait Maiya sleep round so if she doesn't eat it we can!
Maiya: YESSS ok
Kairi: your not eating it!
Mattia: ok anyways.. can we come too?
Kairi: why?
Robert: because where her friends and we want to make sure she's ok.
Kairi: she's probably just ill don't worry.
Naveah: she's not ill she was crying like all weekend and didn't talk to anyone and my mom let her stay off school till wednesday!
Ale: see we can come!
Taylor: yeh if she was crying she's obviously upset.
Maiya: well duh she's upset because Kairi gave up a friendship for a snake.
Mattia: chill kairi. anyway where coming so..
Kairi: ugh fine.
After a while we got to Lyrics street and we saw Celia walking towards us.
Celia: hey baby
Maiya: ew.
Celia: what?
Naveah: ew go back to the sea!
Kairi: NAVEAH what tf! why are you so rude.
Celia: why would you say that? your just as rude as your sister!
Naveah: and what did my sister do? i might be 13 but that doesn't mean i won't stick up for my sister!
Celia: ugh anyways where are all you going?
Kairi: Lyrics
Celia: why?
Naveah: because she's upset and her friends want to check up on her. but you know you wouldn't know what friends are since you don't have any..
Mattia: DAMN Naveah! Lyric taught you good!
Naveah: teehee i know.
Celia: ok well i'm coming.
Taylor: no your not
Celia: um yes i am. my boyfriends going so i am too.
Kairi: she can come. now come on.
Celia: wait can i wear your hoodie?
Kairi: why?
Celia: i'm cold 🥺
Kairi: um yeh sure i guess.
Naveah: what the fuck?
Robert: that's Lyrics and yours you can't give her that!
Ale: bro what tf is wrong with you?
Kairi: exactly Lyrics and MINE therefore i can give it to whoever i want!
Mattia: bro you've changed and no one likes it!
Celia: 'bro' it's a hoodie get over it!__
We got to Lyrics and her moms car wasn't in the drive way so it meant she was alone.
We knocked a few times but no one answered.
Naveah: why tf you knocking?
Kairi: don't swear!
Mattia: bro Lyric and Naveah are exactly the same.
Kairi: ok anyways she's sleeping
Maiya: how do you know?
Kairi: because she's not answering the door.. duh
Naveah: no she's not answering the door because she knows your here.
Taylor: damn kairi u really fucked up
Naveah: yes anyways i have a key so move.
Kairi: why didn't you say that you had a key?
Naveah: because it's funny seeing you be like this
Kairi: like what?
Maiya: kairi move i'm hungry and i want the food!
We got inside and we saw Lyric on the couch with a blanket and chips. she looked like she'd been crying for ages.
Kairi: we where knocked why didn't you answer?
Lyric: because your here and plus Naveah has a key so i don't have to get up. Wait what is she doing here?
Mattia: see they're exactly the same!
Maiya: she just showed up i don't why she's here!
Kairi: can y'all stop your all so fucking rude!
Celia: yeh see kairi i told you their rude!
Kairi: because it's a hoodie.
Lyric: yes but that means so much to me!
Kairi: well it's mine too so i can chose!
Lyric: if it was your own hoodie you could have a choice but that's important to me kairi! what the fuck your so annoying!
Kairi: so just because of that you hate me?
Lyric: i don't hate you i dislike you right now because you accused me of something i didn't do. actually i didn't even know what i did because you won't tell me! and is not 'just because of that' you ending our friendship hurt me so fucking much because you where the only person who truly understood me and your the only one i told everything to! You where the only one who's seen me at my very worst but also my best. we've made so many memories and after like 13 years we still do the blue hoodie because that's how much we care about each other! but instead of keeping something that important you decide to through it all way because your selfish and you'd rather take side of a selfless bitch who takes peoples spots on their soccer team because 'they want to be the only girl' and yes that's what coach told me when she took my spot! also if you think i did something wrong then please tell me! because last time i checked i made sure that i kept my space from you so you could get to know her since i knew she didn't like me and i didn't want to interfere with your relationships because you always spend time with me and i wanted you to have other people! but obviously in the wrong right? because i never do anything for you? or our friendship? right i'm the bad person! please fucking leave i don't want to hear anything you or your bitch have to say! i could care less about either one of you right now since you've hurt me so much but you still act like tour the victim! also everyone else can fucking see that YOUR in the wrong apart from you! even your own sister knows what your doing wrong!
Kairi: fine i'll fucking leave don't ask me to come running back when Maximo leaves you!
Lyric: MAXIMO? when the fuck did i mention him once? he's my FRIEND i have no attraction to him i have never thought of him more than just a friend so if your going to end our friendship because your jealous then go ahead but YOU don't run back when your little stinky ass hoe cheats on you and leaves you!
A/n: damn is this what y'all wanted? if not pls tell me lol. anyways happy 10 year reunion for one direction😌
song: Story Of My Life by One Direction