Starting Your Day

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The way you start your day is important.

Have you ever just felt better throughout the day--no matter how bad it was going--just because you read your Bible? I know I have. Even if I didn't remember all the details of what I read, it made my day a whole lot brighter.

But why? Why does it make a difference?

The morning is where you'll find your biggest priorities: getting dressed, brushing your teeth, doing your hair, eating breakfast--you'd notice if you didn't do even one of these things. They're important. 

You wanna know something even more important? God!

Fight back the urge to tell yourself, "I'm too tired to read my Bible or pray," "I'll read it later, maybe after school," "I forgot to read the Bible," or "It doesn't matter if I pray and read my Bible, really."

We've all had those thoughts. Mornings are very busy, and a lot of times, we don't even want to get out of bed. But James 4:17 tells us, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

It's a sin when we know the right thing to do and decide not to. The sin of omission is probably the most convicting for me, personally--especially for procrastinators! This is why we need to actively fight against sin, whether it be by not doing something sinful, or whether it be doing what is right.

So tomorrow, set your alarm even just 15 minutes earlier. Pray, and read a chapter of God's Word. Maybe even find a verse from your daily reading to write down on a sticky note and recite throughout the day.

Remember: God is far more valuable than sleep. Try adjusting your schedule and going to bed a half hour to and hour earlier if you need to. We need to take care of both our physical and spiritual health in order to bring God the glory He deserves throughout our day.

Don't know where to start? Try reading from the Gospel of John to learn more about Jesus, or head over to Philippians with us as we study through it here at She Delights.

Feel free to message us for prayer, tips, etc! Leave a comment and share how you have/are going to be starting your day with God in mind.

God bless!


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