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chanhee had forgotten how many days it had been. suddenly he could only count the hours until he felt like he would be alone and cry to himself. he decided he would go for a week longer, even though he wasnt sure he could make it that long before breaking down in front of changmin. he felt so much more vulnerable now, as if a single touch from the brunette could shatter his glass-cased heart.

chanhee felt like his own emotions were holding him back from everything, making him feel so much more exhausted than what he knew he was.

he couldnt get out of this uncomfortable, rock-hard bed. he felt like he could barely move a finger without passing out.

chanhee felt sick without the other, his stomach constantly churning and making him use all the strength in his bones to shift to a more comfortable position. he was constantly closing his eyes, trying not to let his desperate sobs come off as too obvious.

why did he feel like this? did he really love the other that much to make him like this?

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