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[Sds and ttc sparring]

King: *fall's asleep while SPARRING Galand"

Galand: HEY MELIODAS, i think i broke him he's just floating there doing nothing

Meliodas: doing nothing- fucking god he fell asleep again

Ban: i think this is a new record 20th time today

Galand: excuse me?

Meliodas: so he gets to sleep all he wants but i can't sleep at all, this is bullshit

Galand: are we just going to ignore the fact toast he has fallen asleep 20 TIMES TODAY!!!

Derieri: that is a bit strange does he sleep at all at night?

Meliodas: he sleeps the whole night soundly and i can't sleep that bitch, anyway can we get back to sparring

Zeldris: brother what the fu-

Meliodas: hush now Gregory i am waking him up, Ban wake him up

Ban: *proceeds to steal Chastifol*

King: *dramatic gasp* how dare you SIR
King: *proceeds to stab*

Ban: *is stabbed*

Galand: are you guys ok, like mentally???

Meliodas: oh for sure me and King aren't, the other's are fine.


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