Your Birthday

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No One's POV

Lena and Emily were walking through through a store as they seemed to be looking for something. Lena bent down a little to look at a video game, "Does he like this type of game?" Emily looked at it, "I think so." "Maybe he'll like a horror game." "It's the first time we'll spend his birthday with him. We need to get him something big." "He'll like something small right?" "Maybe. But don't you remember what he got me for my birthday?" "Yeah. Opera tickets. You talked about wanting those forever." "And what did he get you on your special day?" "A treadmill. I can actually run fast in air conditioning." "So let's get him something big." "Ok. But what would we get him?" A lightbulb then appeared Emily's head, "How about we get him that multi-action stove that he wants." "You just want him to make better food don't you." "Well that's a plus. But you've heard him complain about not being able to fry or roast anything." "Well then let's go get it for him."

The two checked the store to not find what they were looking for, so they checked a different store. After a minute they found the stove that they were looking for, so they talked to one of the employees and ordered it to be shipped to their apartment in a few days. They walked out to head home and sit on the couch as Emily started to pre-heat the oven to make a cake. They both took a breathe for Lena to come p with something, "When (Y/N) comes home we should let him rest first. He's been on that mission for three weeks." "That sounds fair. Do you think that he will have enough energy by tonight though?" Emily then licked her lips for Lena to frown a little, "When are you not horny?" "That I will not answer." Lena then got a text from (Y/N) which made her smile, "(Y/N) will be home in three hours. Oh I can't wait to give him a bear hug." "Oh his arms are so warm." "Do you wanna rest a little bit before we get to decorating and baking?" "Sure." 

A few seconds passed for Emily to get a notification on her phone. She checked it to smile, "Oh hey. Do you remember Julie and Rowan?" "Aren't those the couple that we met at the opera?" "Yeah, we hung out with them a few times." "Remember their reactions when they found out that (Y/N) and us were all dating each other?" "Oh my gosh yes! Julie was a little shocked, but accepted it. Rowan talked to (Y/N) privately, but we could still hear him." "Yeah he said, You lucky bastard." "That was funny." "Do you remember what (Y/N) said?" "He said, I know tat I am lucky. That is why I am happy everyday." It was silent for a minute as the two smiled until Lena spoke again, "So what about Julie and Rowan?" "Oh they just started their honeymoon." "They got married?" "Yeah,  two weeks ago. None of us could make it. You and (Y/N) were on a mission and I was talking to a publisher." "Well that sucks. I hope that their having fun." Emily was silent for a little bit to look at Lena, "How long have we been together?" "Twenty-two months." "How long have we been together with (Y/N)?" "Fifteen months." "Julie and Rowan have been together for fourteen months." "Emily-" The oven then beeped for Emily to get up, "Time to bake a cake!" Lena sat for a moment to start decorating a bit, 'That's the third time. I have to talk to luv before he comes home.'

After two hours and fifteen minutes Lena went to the door, "I'm gonna go pick (Y/N) up luv!" Emily finished making (Y/N)'s favorite meal, "Ok! I'll have everything thing finished when you get back!" Lena exited her apartment and got in the car and made her way to the closest Overwatch building. When she made it she walked in to the main building to stand around in wait. As she was waiting she waved at Genji as he had his mask off and was wearing normal clothes, "Hello ninja!" "Hello Lena. It is good to see you." "What are you doing here?" "I have no missions and Angela wishes to go sight seeing." "Do you want me to draw you a map of tourist hot spots? I'm waiting for (Y/N)." "I would appreciate that very much. Angela will take a while." Lena grabbed a piece of paper to start drawing and writing as Genji followed and listened to every word." Meanwhile (Y/N) and Angela were walking down the hall for (Y/N) to be talking, "So your sure that they will like them?" "It doesn't matter what they look like, they will love the four words that you say." Ok." 

They then walked out to be met by Genji thanking Lena as he bowed while she waved it off. The couples grouped up together for Angela to tell Genji to wait as they should stay. Lena walked up to (Y/N), "(Y/N) we need to talk." "What is it?" "Emily is really wanting to get married. So I thought that we should talk about if-" (Y/N) put his finger over her lips, "We don't have to talk about anything, because I have that covered already." Lena then gained a surprise look as she also started to look confused, "Wh-what do you- are you- what is-" "Well I was hoping that I could do this with both of you at the same time." He then got on one knee to pull out an orange box, open it sowing a ring with an orange jewel, "Lena. Will you marry me?" Lena responded by tackling him to the ground as she started to cover his face in kisses. (Y/N) held her as he got them up, "So that's a yes?" "Of course it is!" The two hugged each other as Angela and Genji clapped a little until Lena grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulders, "Oh we have to get you home. Emily and I set up the apartment for your birthday." "My birthday was a week ago." "But you were gone on trip. Come on we have cake and food to eat! And you have to propose to Emily."

Emily set up the last streamer to have her two lovers come through the door, "(Y/N) happy birthday!" She walked up to (Y/N) and hugged him as he hugged back making Emily feel warm. Emily separated to have a big smile, "We made cake, your favorite food, and a special gift coming soon." Emily turned around for Lena to step in front of her, "Emily, I think that can all wait." "Why?" Lena raised her right hand showing the ring on her finger which made the gears in Emily's head start to turn. She turned around to be met by (Y/N) on one knee with a small red box and a red ruby on the ring, "Emily, will you marry me?" Emily started to cry as she slowly walked up to him and hugged him tightly as Lena hugged her from behind, "It's happening Emily." Emily loosened a little to have both of her cheeks kissed, "I love you both so much!" 

After a while the three celebrated (Y/N)'s birthday, but it was also a celebration for the three's engagement. Rowan was right about (Y/N) being lucky with having Emily and Lena. But unlike him and most men they have never had to do what (Y/N) has to sometimes. It was midnight now the lights were off as Emily clung onto (Y/N) from the front as Lena clung from behind, "One more~~." They have never nearly met the face of death trying to please two woman at the same time.

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