the news

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Newton was surprised he said the f word quietly and quickly changed channels, there was news articles about this, Newton was freaked out.

"Ew wtf is this crap on my phone" people screamed logging onto twitter.

He blew up on tiktok but bunkum found out about his tiktok career.

"WHAT THE FUFK??????!!!" Pinky bafloon said.

People kept saying on how cringy the tiktok was "OH HONEY YOU TRIED SOMETHING NEW TODAY❤❤❤❤ DON'T TRY IT AGAIN💐💐💝💝💐✨💐✨💐💐💝💐💝💐✨💐✨💐✨💐💝" people wrote on his tiktoks

Newton was sad, but he continued his tiktoks.

 "Oh jolly me, I hope my parents dont find out about my tiktok" 

As Newton's tiktok was getting more and more popular being on the news outlet and things his parents found out one day.

Nana pud kicked down the door.


"We need to talk"

Captain pud was sitting on the couch in the living room. Disappointed in newton. Nana pud was crying her heart out. Newton nervously walked inside the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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