But I'm the captain!

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"DAMN IT!" Peter shouts as he slams his closed fist into the piloting terminal. To his dismay the course was once again changed from what he had set. The commotion was loud enough to catch the attention of one of his crewmates.

"Quill? What's going on?" Drax grunted as he steps into the room. He stares tiredly as if he had just woken up. Peter turns around with an angered breath. He knew taking out his frustration on Drax wouldn't do him any good, so he attempted to calm himself before speaking.

"Thor changed course, again!" Peter exclaims with a whine. By now he should be used to it, but everytime it happens it angered him just the same. "I mean come on! When did he elect himself to be captain of our ship! Everything was fine when I was in charge!" Peter continued in his relentless complaint. Drax calmly folds his arms and leans against the doorway. His stern expression showed a trace amount of understanding right before transitioning into one of encroaching laughter.


"What!? What're you laughing at!?" Peter asked quickly, his tone remaining high from his desperate words. Drax wipes a tear from under his eye before shaking his head.

"Quill, you're truly amusing. I've never heard a man complain about such little matters. I don't think it matters who is truly captain, as long as we're doing things no body will care." Drax states with a smile. Peter frowns with a huff and places a hand to his hip.

"But don't you see? He's directing where we go! I used to do that! This is my ship and he's acting like he's been here just as long as the rest of us!" As Peter continued, Drax's face quickly sours.

"Quill, from time to time you let us pick the destination. I didn't know that you felt this threatened everytime we did."

"N-No! That's not what this is! It's different!"

"How so?"

"It just is! We have a level of communication between one another! He does it out right without letting anyone know!" Every passing statement had increased in intensity. It was to the point that Peter had began to use greater gestures as he spoke. Drax fully stood and places his hands out before him.

"Quill, I suggest you calm down. I don't want this to turn into something." Drax's tone had completely dropped its jovial nature. The seriousness displayed in his eyes completely made Peter snap out of it.

"Drax- I'm so sorry- I don't know what came over me." Peter stutters with a hang of his head. Drax approaches him and places his hand on Peter's shoulder

"Quill... Just know that... If you ever brought a hand to me, I'd break it off." Drax says with a gentle nod of his head. His words were said as if they were comforting. Peter looks at him with a started glare before receiving a pat to the back. "Now, let's go round up the others. I would like to hear what our next destination is!" Drax says happily as he places an arm around Peter. The larger man ushers them out of the room right as the display screen reveals the ship's course.


Blinks silently across the small screen as the door closes behind them. Drax leads Peter out to the main room where they come across Mantis and Nebula. The two were sitting side by side on couch in the center or the room. Nebula's head was hung over, a small snore could be heard escaping her lips. Mantis watches her intensely with a curious eye. She slowly places a hand to Nebula's metal arm, and let's off a small grunt. Her antennae begin to flicker as a physical strain is shown on her face. Peter watches in confusion as a wicked grin forms on Drax's face.

"NEBULA!" He shouts with a laugh. Mantis' eyes widen as the once unconscious warrior snaps awake, delivering a swift and painful punch to the center of her forehead.

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