last one there, is dead

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(Before I start can I say how sorry I am for that very shitty chapter you read previously, that shit don't make sense like tf).

(It's now February 16th 2022 and the last time I updated here was 30th October so please bare with me as I kinda forgot the plot)

~not edited~

Jennies' POV:

We were completely fucking exhausted -we were on the very perhaps final stage of this bullshit- I don't even think I could go much longer like this at all!! "Want some water?" Lisa offered, although not having some herself. I tiredly mouthed a 'no thank you' motion to her.

"I want to save some for later.." I talked into her ear quiet like a mouse.

"Jendukie, Yoongi's an amazing inventor he can fix up some water filter to make drinkable water." Namjoon added whereas J-Hope looked around.

"G-guys I think we have company..." he whispered nervously. They all whipped their heads around and saw they were COMPLETELY surrounded by zombies.


"AH SHIT EVERYONE GET IN POSITION!" yelled Jungkook whilst everyone ran over to make a circular wall.

"I-I don't have that much energy!" Lisa gasped trying to get a hold of her breath.

"Hang on there," I continued tiredly, "We're nearly there!" I don't blame Lisa these zombies are too powerful; but that doesn't mean that they are smart.

Back then on A Wing we saw that strange thing happen- a zombie eating one of it's kind. I may sound quite ridiculous....but maybe we can use that against... them.

"AHH" I yelled as I wacked one of the zombies head with an axe; blood was spewing everywhere and then suddenly one of the zombies attacked the one I hit. I took this as an advantage, "EVERYONE RUN!!" I continued slashing the dead- I wasn't sure what it was but it looked like the freshly dead still had some kind of human blood remaining which attracted the dead dead. I aimed for the new-looking ones and the walls painted red. 

"AGH!" I heard Hoseok yelp in tremendous pain- a piece of broken glass had made it's way into his foot- distracted a zombie jumped up towards his direction. Without a second thought, I swung the axe towards the zombies head, fully decapitating it.

"Thank you Jennie.." Hoseok sucked his teeth because of the overwhelming pain and tears started to form in his eyes. This was no good if we continued we would be dead.

"RETREAT TO THE STORAGE ROOM, I SAID RETREAT TO THE STORAGE ROOM!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs gathering everyone's attention- including the dead. We all sprinted towards the door one by one when THUD! 

Jungkook had slipped on the zombies blood. 


Out of nowhere Lisa ran out to him, "GUYS CLOSE THE DOOR RIGHT NOW I'LL STAY WITH JUNGKOOK!!" I widened my eyes as I saw the crowd of zombies get closer to them.

"NO!" I tried reaching out for them when Yoongi had pulled me back and shut the door. "NO LET ME OUT! WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM PLEASE!" tears began immensely spilling out my eyes as Yoongi and Jin held me back. 

i feel so sick inside 

i don't feel well


Taehyung's POV:

I caught Jennie as she fainted- Chaeyoung and Jisoo were holding onto each other and sobbing- what a sad scene. I gently laid the cat-eyed brunette down near the wall and turned to face everyone.


The only thing this room felt like, but I was used to this, I've lived like this for the past 5 years of my life. It was as if everything was crushing down on me and I just couldn't breathe. The nausea, the feeling on your chest, the choke in your throat.


The only thing I sensed here- it's reasonable as they all lost someone dear to them as I. Jungkook and Lisa were like strangers to me, but they were good people, they didn't deserve this at all.

The word is so cruel sometimes.

I slumped down near Jennie and sighed, "I think right now is best to grieve them for some time, then we should get back to the plan." Everyone didn't utter a word and just nodded. What a shitty life, and it's only getting harder to live in.

I stood up then wobbled and fell to the ground. "Are you ok Tae." Jisoo asked worried and stepped towards me. 

"UNNIE STAY AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT NOW," Chaeyoung squealed and grabbed Jisoo back, "YOU'RE BITTEN." Everyone snapped their heads to face me- eyes with shock.

no this can't be... 

it's too soon

"Guys I-" then black.




love you :))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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