Chapter one

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(Rose is one inch smaller then Meliodas btw and that is what is what she is wearing under the armor I will be switching up and skipping some parts as I feel I hope you all understand the necklace is a rose with the royal family crest in the center...

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(Rose is one inch smaller then Meliodas btw and that is what is what she is wearing under the armor I will be switching up and skipping some parts as I feel I hope you all understand the necklace is a rose with the royal family crest in the center btw)

Rose's pov


My sister and I were hugging our father's leg when we started to hear loud banging on the throne room doors that my father previously locked before. " You two need to run and Elizabeth take care of Rose please".  Elizabeth and I look at him me in despair and her in shock, "why should I take care of her she is a nuisance."  My father looked troubled and upset at her. "Just run and don't look back and find the sins they are innocent" he said lightly grabbing both of our hands and shoving us towards a hidden entrance. We sighed and left him there not even a second later we heard a bang and an explosion. We both flinched and down the path.

Flashback over 

Elizabeth and I grabbed covers as I had to wear a heavy rusted armor set as Elizabeth got to cover herself in a cloak. Elizabeth also had eaten all the food and almost all the water since we left a few days ago. As the sun rises over the valley we just trekked through I pointed out a building over in the distance. Elizabeth laughs and exclaimed, "pathetic do you actually think I am going to give you the money for food I will be the one eating and you can have my scraps". "As well as I don't see why my father even told you to come as I am the important one and the one that doesn't have 16 soul mates."

I turned to her hurt but it was masked by the helmet I wore "It...shouldn't matter... I am your sis..ter." stuttered as I had no water since yesterday morning and no food since the night we left the castle. I was slowly trekking through the hillside trying to make it to this tavern. That was still pretty far away.

Elizabeth laughs and pushes me over and walks even faster to make it there. I slowly get up and try to hurry after her. Closer I got to the tavern my mark on my left tricep started to burn. ' one of my mates are here' was the last thought I had before my sister slammed open the door and I muttered "Seven deadly sins" which scared this poor tavern owners customers out of the door."

"Now, who are you" he said standing with his hand on his hips and a serious face before I could mutter a thing I collapsed from exhaustion, dehydration and starvation. As I was fading in and out of  consciousness the helmet rolled off my head and I heard the boy say "Mate," before I passed completely out.

Flashback to a few minutes before Rose passed out

third person pov

"Alright here you go!" Meliodas exclaimed putting five bottles of ale on the table "thanks for waiting, drink up!"  the door opened and voices asked, "have room for more?" "Right over here, can you guys move over abit?" Meliodas asked as he directed the people to a table in the middle of the boar hat.

one out of the three guys at a table clearly tipsy says "for a little guy you sure are hard working waiter." Meliodas looks over his shoulder clearly peeved and says," oh no, I am not the waiter buddy I am the owner of this place" the guy was shocked and said "huh he is the owner?" as he walked over to another table with a meat pie.

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