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So, here's my personal opinion on the Sakamaki's and Mukami's. I'll do the Tsukinami's, Kino, Yui and the "adults" later.

Shuu- I like that he's kinda chill and doesn't stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Also, he's just a whole ass mood.
BUT he's a creepy motherfucker and is even more perverted than Laito, which scares me. Also, he's one of THE most violent of the brothers when it comes to sadism/torture.

Reiji- I mean, he minds his manners and his business. But this bitch likes to whip and poison people and uses them as experiments like his dad, whom of which he admires. Also this fucker thought his mom was attractive (I say this both as in romantically and sarcastically because I think she's ugly). Also a sexist.
But he likes chess and he's a good cook. He also has a slightly masochistic side and smiles a lot, which I wish we got to see more in the anime. And he's known to have a good sense of humor.

Ayato- Personally my fave of the Sakamaki's, cuz he's such a dork. Although, I'm not sure I trust him not to FUCKING drown me. Also, he be a little cray-cray.

Kanato- No. No. Just N O. He used to be my fave in middle school just cuz he's cute. But FUCK that. He's a psycho and need serious help. Also he's a pyromanic and I SWEAR I have pyrophobia like Shuu.
Also, I don't trust him not to murder me and turn me into a living doll just for his enjoyment.

Laito- I hate him more than Kanato and the most out of all the brothers. He's a whore, only likes slutty girls, will force sex on you, and is literally horny 24/7 like your steryotypical highschool cishet straight boy.
And he plays to much. I swear, he HAS to have std's or some shit.

Subaru- I like him enough, but to some extent. He's problematic and needs mental help. Also, he reminds me of friends who had mental issues and refused to see help and would claim they loved me but then would immediately hurt me either physically or emotionally.
I just don't vibe with him much.

Ruki- I mean, he's hot, but that's about his only redeeming factor. He's possessive and sexist af, has "issues with women" and likes to belittle everyone. Also, he's about as violent as Ayato.

Kou- He's one of my personal faves out of the Mukami's. I mean, he's cute, but a little fucked, but still acknowledges his shortcomings. Although, he's rather two-faced and spoiled. But he has his nice moments. But just look at his face, it's cute!

Yuma- My true fave out of the Mukami's. He seems like a big brute, but he's honestly kinda sweet and knows his limits and generally treats others nicely. But, I can't forget that he's a horny sadistic vampire, so he's not totally forgivable.

Azusa- Baby, he's cute and precious and definitely deserved a better life, but I don't vibe with him sometimes, mainly cuz he also reminds me of friends who were prone to self harm (whether or not it was for attention) or lied just to appease me. But he's generally a sweet character and doesn't call people demeaning nicknames or put them down.

I'll make another rant here in like 5 minutes, so be on the lookout for chapter nine between 5 and 10 minutes from now. <3 Let me know if you agree with any of these!

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