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So, now I've come to complain about the childhoods of the characters, starting with the Sakamaki's.

I don't want to go through individually, but I thought I'd make it aware this is something I think about on the D A I L Y.

But how the fuck did they all grow up to be so fucked? And I mean ALL of them.

Like, I get it, they had shitty role models, but there was a whole fucking MILLENNIA for them to learn better. Also, it's not like EVERYONE grows up to be who their parents are or what they were taught to be.

Like, a child could be abused for years and be taught that's what's "right," but that child could later on learn better.

And don't just tell me it's influence, because Subaru didn't really even HAVE an influence and Shuu acts NOTHING like either of his parents unless you trigger his sadism.

Now for the Mukami's.

Ruki and Yuma's pasts make enough sense, so I don't have much to complain about, especially Ruki's cuz it seems like it's the only one that makes sense and was thought out.

But Kou and Azusa on the other hand I don't believe.

For both of them, where the FUCK did they come from??

I know LOST EDEN "explained" that Kou was originally an aristocrat but his parents died in a war, handed him off to his nanny and then his nanny abandoned him in a manhole for some odd and unknown reason (and the manhole is what his earliest memory is.)

But like, how did he manage to get amnesia between that short a time.

Also, if that's true, why doesn't Yuma dislike him the way he dislikes Ruki (Yuma hates aristocrats and royalty due to him living in the slums all his life.)

As for Azusa, it was only IMPLIED in DARK FATE that he lived among gypsies and possibly was one, but there's no PROOF. So where the heck was he and how did he live BEFORE he wandered in the alley and got beat up by those kids?? Also, how is his earliest childhood memory just that moment??

Same for Kou with the memory thing, because they were like at LEAST 8 years old when it happened, and what I learned from psychology is that we don't remember anything past age 3 or 4, so they SHOULD have SOME memory from before those times, because nothing truly traumatic happened to them beforehand.

I would complain about Yuma's hatred towards aristocrats and aim it at Shuu, but I almost forgot that Shuu kept his identity a secret from Yuma when they were kids. That's why I think that now they're "teenagers" (adults?? they have no specific age, and this needs to be explained) Yuma has no desire to stay friends with Shuu has something to do with aristocracy, since he knows now.

Also, I need to know, where the Mukami's kids around the exact time as the Sakamaki's? Because vampire aging is very different from human aging, so Shuu and Yuma could have been DRASTICALLY different ages when they were "kids".

Or are they all the same age?

I don't know. But if any of y'all got the answers, please do explain.

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