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sWeaR wOrd aLeRt🚨🚨🚨

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Miyoshi screamed as she fell towards the trees below. She managed to get into an appropriate position and land not-that-hardly onto the grass. As she climbed up with difficulty, Muichiro appeared in front of her and helped her up.

"Come on, let's get to Tanjiro." Muichiro said before walking to god knows where. Before he could even walk a few steps, a giant, ugly, mutant-like whale sized fish appeared a few feet away from him. Being cornered by the demon was young Kotetsu, screaming, "AAAHHH HELP MEEEE!!" Muichiro quickly sliced off the demon's head but it quickly regenerated. Miyoshi spotted a very out-of-place vase near them and sliced into half, causing the demon to disintegrate quickly.

"WAHHHHHHHHHHH! THANK YOUUUU!" Kotetsu cried and launched himself onto Muichiro, clinging to his neck. "I thought I was gonna die! I was so scared! WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kotetsu said while waving his arms around. "I'm sorry for calling you a kelphead! SORRYYYYYYY!!" He apologised.

When Muichiro proceeded to go back to Tanjiro and the others, Kotetsu begged him to stay as Kanamori-san is also under attack. Muichiro was about to reject him and leave when the scene of Oyakata-sama telling him he could find himself for sure flashed in his mind. He remembered Oyakata-sama telling a half-dead him that his memories would definitely come back.

Muichiro's eyes widened as he grabbed Kotetsu and took off running, leaving a very confused Miyoshi behind. "Ughhhh, wait for me!" She started running, but another whale sized fish demon appeared in front of her, except that this one could talk. "Lord Gyokko said, if I could kill one of you, I would get a reward!" The fish said, directing its fins at Miyoshi. "Hmmmm, you look weak!" it said again, causing Miyoshi's temper to rise. Being separated from her brother was annoying enough, and she could not take this ugly creature calling her weak.

Miyoshi scanned her surroundings and spotted a vase hidden on a branch of a tree. She folded her arms casually and said, "I see Gyokko behind you, are you in trouble?" this was obviously an extremely dumb demon since it turned back in surprise to check if what Miyoshi said was true. Before it could react, Miyoshi leapt gracefully onto the branch and sliced the vase into half. As the demon disintegrated, it cursed and swore, "FUUUCK!! YOU LITTLE B-" It yelled, but was interrupted when Miyoshi suddenly appeared beside him, slicing it head into many pieces.

"How annoying." She said, rolling her eyes and went the direction her brother had gone.


As Miyoshi carefully followed the footprints left by her brother, she arrived at a small shed which had been partially destroyed. She heard Kotetsu crying nearby and to her horror, she saw Muichiro trapped in a water vase. Miyoshi used the fourth form of mist breathing and quickly sliced the vase, the water gushing out and Muichiro's limp body slid out.

"Muichiro!" Miyoshi cried, shaking him and he sat up suddenly, coughing violently. His eyes were hazed and he seemed to be deep in thought as he yanked the poison needles out of his skin. Miyoshi shook her brother again, begging for him to reply her, "Please...nii-san, you are scaring me!" Muichiro looked at her straight in the eyes. "Nii-san..." He muttered, "Yu...Yuichiro..."

Miyoshi's hands dropped back to her side. She could not believe it, couldn't think, couldn't function. Did Muichiro finally remember his past? Did he remember her?

She didn't realise she had asked the question out loud until Muichiro smiled brightly, his smile radiating warmth. "Do I remember you? Of course. You are Miyoshi Tokito. The girl who reached out to me when I first came; the girl who use the same breathing form as me; the girl who saved me." Under normal circumstances, Miyoshi would have been glad Muichiro had remembered that much about her, but he didn't mention something.

"I-is that all...?" Miyoshi asked, unable to hide the disappointment on her face. Muichiro frowned at her reaction and thought harder before shaking his head.

Miyoshi felt like her world was crashing around her, once again. How could he remember Yuichiro but not her? Wasn't she important to him, too? Didn't she matter?

Before Miyoshi could say anything else, they heard a loud crash and someone shouting as the shed they were next to exploded. Through her blurry sight which had been smudged with tears, she managed to catch a faint view of Haganezuka-san on the ground tending to the sword and Kanamori-san protecting him.

"Hyo! Hyo! I am Gyokko. I see that more people had come to look at my fantastic masterpiece. Presenting, the l'agonie des forgerons!" Gyokko gestured to a gruesome sight of 5 poor swordsmiths in a vase, with a sword stabbed through them. Kotetsu and Kanamori stared at the "artwork" in horror and looked like they were going to cry. "Hey," Muichiro started, "cut it out, fuckface." He sprinted towards Gyokko, who used his blood demon art, causing thousands of fishes to emerge from his vases. Muichiro quickly sliced them all, and used the third form of mist breathing to scatter them away from him before the poison could harm him.

As Miyoshi watched them fight, she could not stop thinking about what had happened earlier. To distract herself, she raced to Kotetsu and Kanamori who had some injuries and bandaged their wounds. She knew that she would be useless in the fight against Gyokko.

Just like how she was useless helping her brother regain his memories.

Before she knew it, Muichiro yelled something about the seventh form of mist breathing, which Miyoshi had never heard before. To her surprise, the whole forest now felt as if they were enveloped in mist, and she could barely see Muichiro, Gyokko, or the swordsmiths. Her eyes focused just as Muichiro sliced off Gyokko's head quickly. Gyokko's eyes widened (or should I say mouths widened? After all, he have mouths for eyes.)

As Gyokko shouted insults about Muichiro, the latter cut his face up into half in annoyance, just like what Miyoshi had done earlier. The resemblance was there, yet he didn't notice it, Miyoshi thought tearfully as Muichiro wobbled towards her. "We have to get to Tanjiro now..." He said, motioning for Miyoshi to follow him.

As they made their way towards where Tanjiro and the others are fighting, Miyoshi stared at the ground the whole time. Muichiro tried to start a conversation with her, but failed. She appreciated his efforts. She appreciated everything he had done for her.

But why couldn't he remember her?


dude i AM SORRYYY but the story will be more interesting if he doesn't remember. yet. hopefully. AUHDSUHAUDNCUIH

also i think im obssessed with mafumafu's songs they r really good!! PLS LISTEN TO THE ONE ONTOP OK BYEBYE

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