Part 6

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After six months, life for Olivia had got back to normal. Maggi had immediately seen the difference. She liked this Olivia; she wasn’t moody all the time, and her sense of humour was hilarious, plus she’d developed a softer side. Whatever had happened during those couple of weeks, she was away with Mrs Devereux; it had done her wonders.
Olivia hadn’t heard anything from Riley. She knew she wouldn’t. She’d seen her name a few times when she’d flicked through the contacts in her phone. She didn’t have the heart to delete the number.

One day, out of the blue, the Captain had pulled her straight into her office. She was told that the FBI had contacted the Cap concerning the Devereux case. Riley had been threatened again, but this time, she had been hurt, and she wouldn’t cooperate until they brought ‘Inspector Olivia Sanchez back’. The Cap wasn’t that pleased to lose Olivia but agreed to let her go.
On hearing that Riley had been hurt, Olivia was ready to jump out of her seat and head to the hospital, but she knew she couldn’t.
She was flown down to Los Angeles, where the FBI briefed her on what was expected from her while she was temporarily working for them. An informant in Los Vegas told them the Romano family was preparing to collect. Even though they had the manpower to protect Riley, her insistence on involving Sanchez again meant they could take the opportunity to focus more on the Romano family and hopefully finish this without any money exchanging hands or anyone else being hurt.
After a couple of hours, they let Olivia go to the hospital and hand it over. After talking outside the hospital room with the agent posted there, she got her first look at Riley. She was battered and bruised but fast asleep. Noticing she’d been left alone with her, she stepped into the room.
She’d been informed that Riley had been in her limo at the time in LA. It had blown up. Her driver, Tony, was killed instantly, but Riley managed to escape.
She reached over and trailed her fingers down Riley’s arm, stopping to take her hand in her own. Feeling Riley flinch, she looked up to see her eyes trying to open.
Riley turned her head, feeling the familiar touch. Realizing who it was, she brought her other hand up, covering her face as she began to cry.
“Hey.” Olivia brought the hand she was holding up to her chest. She pulled Riley’s other hand away from her face. “You steal me away from my job and set me up with the Men in Black just to cry when you see me. Now that’s cruel.” She said softly.
Riley sighed happily. “I’m happy to see you, you idiot!” She wiped her face.
“Good.” Olivia smiled. “Because you and your stubbornness have got me playing bloody Kevin Costner again.”
“I learned that from you.”
“I’d bloody well hope so!” Olivia smiled. Riley wiped her tears again. “I heard what happened. How are you holding up?” Olivia sat down on the side of the bed. Riley closed her eyes a moment. She pulled Olivia’s hand over and played with it between her own.
“They told me Tony died instantly. He’d been my driver for years. He was a really good friend.” She looked up at Olivia. “They were so close this time, Livia.” She felt her eyes tear up. “Why can’t they just ask for the money and leave me alone?”
“These guys don’t work like that, Rye.”
“But I haven’t done anything to them!” She cried.
“It will come to an end, I promise.” She sat closer, squeezing her hand. “From what I’ve been told, the FBI is much closer than I thought they would be. Have a little faith.”
Riley smiled a little. “I will now I have you.”

Riley was discharged an hour later, and they were escorted back up to San Francisco. Olivia asked for them to be dropped off at the station so she could pick up her car.
Entering the prescient, she was busted by CD and Nate. CD pulled Nate out of view, watching Olivia’s interaction with Mrs Devereux. Smiling, they rang Maggie upstairs. Walking out of the elevator, they walked straight into Maggie and Raina, standing in the hallway at the coffee machine. Olivia felt herself go red.
“Hey, Olivia, Mrs Devereux.” Maggie smiled.
“Inspectors.” Riley acknowledged.
Following them into the office, Maggie couldn’t help noticing the flush on Olivia’s face. Olivia was hoping just to walk in there, get her keys, and get out of there.
“Ah, Olivia, can I see you for a moment? Mrs Devereux.” The Cap acknowledged. Olivia looked at Riley. Heading towards the Cap’s office, she shot Maggie a look. Maggie smiled, waiting for the Cap to close the door.
The Cap wanted to finalize the details of her secondment to the FBI. During the conversation, Liv kept looking back into the office at Riley talking with her partner and Raina.
While Raina talked with Riley, Maggie noticed the looks going back and forth between the two women through the office window. It all of a sudden made sense.

Walking out of the Cap’s office, Olivia went straight to her desk and grabbed her car keys. “Hey, Mag?” She pulled her partner aside, pulling her into a hug. “Don’t you touch my fucken desk?” She felt Mag laughing against her. Pulling back, Mag smiled.
“You know Liv. I know you pretty well, right?” She looked over at Riley for a second. “Getting too involved can be dangerous.”
Olivia sighed, understanding what her partner was trying to say. “Unfortunately, Mag, I’ve been involved long before this.”
“I know. I can’t walk away. Honestly, neither could you.”
Maggie sighed. “Just be careful.”
“I will. Ready to go?” She directed to Riley.
“Alright, see ya guys,” Olivia said, guiding Riley through the door.
“See ya, Liv.”

“Well, that was interesting.”
“What was?” Olivia asked, pulling out into the traffic.
“Your work colleagues.”
“What about them?”
“Very friendly.”
“I bet.”
“They ask a lot of questions.”
Olivia tightened her grip on the steering wheel. “What kind of questions?”
Riley smiled at her, seeing her tense up.
“Just how I was doing and why I’d asked for you.”
“And what did you say?”
Riley wet her lip. “I just said that you made me feel safe. Besides...”
“Besides what?”
“Besides, having a bunch of guys around watching my every move was freaking me out.”
“Hmm.” Olivia smiled. “Can’t blame you for that.”
Riley looked out the window, noticing they weren’t going her way.
“Where are we going?”
“Back to mine. I’ve just got to pick up some stuff.”

Walking in the door, she heard laughing.
“Hey, Livie girl!”
She walked in, seeing her brothers and her dad sitting around the table.
“Oh, it’s Wednesday.”
“Poker night, sis!” Casey yelled out, and Riley walked in behind her.
“Riley?!” John got up from the table and gave her a big hug. “What happened? Are you alright?” Olivia looked from Riley to her dad.
“I’m babysitting again.”
“Hey!” Riley whacked her in the arm.
“Riley, you remember my brothers John Jr and Casey?”
“Hey, guys.”
“Riley Munroe, right? Yeah, you tried to tame the wild Olivia Sanchez all those years ago. Didn’t work.” Casey laughed sarcastically. Riley looked over at Olivia, putting her stuff on the shelf.
“Yeah, an epic fail that was.”
“Hey!” She laughed. “Here, take a seat; it's family poker night.”
John Jr offered her his chair. “Oh, I couldn’t.” Riley waved her hand.
“Of course you can!” John offered her the chair. “You’re family; sit down.”
Riley sat down, kind of overwhelmed. Olivia pulled up a chair as John Jr took hers, and Casey dealt out the deck of cards.
Riley explained her situation to everyone and why Olivia was back as her protection. Olivia’s brothers gave their sister shit for being seconded to the FBI. Being a family of cops, her changing codes was ammo for taking the piss out of her. Riley couldn’t help laughing at the sibling rivalry. She’d never been around Olivia in this kind of family situation before.

After a few games, it was starting to get late.
“Alright, I’m off!” John Jr got up from the table and grabbed his gun and the rest of his gear from the wall unit. “Good to see you again, Riley.” He shook her hand politely. “If you ever get tired of the Fed, call me.” He winked. “Good game, dad.” He gave his dad a whack on the shoulder. “See you in the morning, Cas. See ya, Fed.” He ruffled Olivia’s hair and laughed.
“Piss off.”
Watching her brother go, she cleared the gear off the table.
“See ya in the morning, guys.”
“Night, Cas.” Everyone said.
“Hey, are you two staying here tonight?” Olivia’s dad asked, putting the cards back in the drawer. Olivia and Riley looked at each other.
“Ahh, we hadn’t thought that far yet, dad.”
John came and stood between them, wrapping his arms over their shoulders. “It’s late. I’m sure Olivia will share her room. You’ve got something Riley can wear, haven’t ya, Liv?”
“Ahh yeah, sure I have.”
“See, there you go! Night, my girls. Good to see you safe, Riley. Olivia won’t let anything happen to you; I’m sure of that.” He reached over and kissed both girls on the forehead before heading upstairs. Riley looked at Olivia, shaking her head.
“I think he forgets we’re not kids anymore.”
“Oh, Livia...” She squeezed Olivia’s face between her hands. “You’ll always be his baby girl.”
Olivia stared at her, and Riley laughed. “At least your dad cares enough.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” She got up from the table. “We don’t have to stay if you want to go home. I’ll just have to get some gear.”
Riley got up, pushing her chair back in. “No, no, we can stay if you’re ok sharing with me?” She asked. Olivia went over and locked the door.
“Well, it’s not as if it’s the first time.” She laughed. “Grab something out of my drawers; I’ll be up in a mo. I’ll just lock up.”
She watched her disappear upstairs. Olivia took a moment and leaned against the back of the couch. She couldn’t believe she was back here again. She was sure she wasn’t going to see Riley again. Looking at the empty stairwell, she thought about the last time she’d seen her. She’d said goodbye. She’d told her she loved her, and she’d kissed her and had run out the door. How fresh was that still in Riley’s mind? It was still fresh in hers. Now, she was going to be sharing her bed with her again.
Sighing, she looked at her watch. It had been a few minutes. She finished locking up and went upstairs. Tapping on the door before entering, she saw Riley curled up in her bed, already asleep. She quietly grabbed something to sleep in and got changed in the bathroom. Heading back into her room, she slipped into her bed, trying not to disturb her. She reached over and turned the lamp off before getting comfortable.

She felt like she’d only just gotten to sleep when she was woken by Riley thrashing violently.
She didn’t respond.
She rolled over and touched her shoulder. Riley’s arm swung back, hitting her in the face. Olivia grabbed her hand.
She could hear her panicking. She fought with her until she managed to wrap her arms around her. “Shh, princess. It’s Olivia; I’m here. You’re safe. I’ve got you, hun. Relax.”
She felt Riley fight with her hands until she finally took a deep breath and grabbed her, wrapping her around tighter. Riley’s breath caught, and she calmed down. Sighing with relief, Olivia dropped her head against her shoulder.
“Livia.” She heard Riley whisper.
“You ok?” She whispered back.
“It was on fire, and I couldn’t get out.” She began to cry. Olivia turned her around and wrapped her in her arms.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m not going to let you go. I’m not going to let anything happen to you, I promise you.” Riley moved her hand and wiped her cheeks.
“I know.” She whispered. For a while, they were silent.
“My mother would have a heart attack if she walked in now,” Olivia whispered, half asleep. She felt Riley laugh softly before sleep took hold.


After a few weeks, the girls were used to being together again. Riley’s’ nightmares kept them sharing a bed wherever they were, in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. Riley would sleep better with Olivia there, and Olivia was getting used to waking up next to her.
Riley had introduced Olivia as her assistant to anyone who needed to know why she was around. Olivia wasn’t that pleased whenever Riley demanded her do something as an assistant would, but she did it not to blow her cover. She hadn’t seen what Riley had done in her job, and that couple of weeks they’d had together mainly involved Derek’s funeral.
Though they had Tony’s funeral to attend, Riley continued to work as she usually would. Olivia was starting to learn a bit more about the textiles business. It made sense now why Riley’s father was as wealthy as he was.
Growing up, she despised Riley Munroe and her family’s money. She remembered when she couldn’t afford to stay at Westford, and everyone pushed her to go for the Munroe Textiles scholarship; she told them she was not taking money from the Munroe’s. Behind her back, Riley submitted her name, and she got it. She was angry and ashamed when she found out Riley had done it. She felt guilty that she would owe Riley back. That was when she learned that Riley was not as heartless as she thought. She’d done it because she didn’t want her to leave. It was the first time Riley told her they were friends, even if Olivia herself could not admit it. That was their love/hate relationship.

Riley had decided to have a few girls around for drinks one night when they were back in San Francisco. Olivia took the opportunity to go and catch up with her family for a game or two of poker. Granted, it wasn’t their usual Wednesday deal, but it was still great to catch up, even though it was Saturday.
At the fact the girls were drinking alcohol, Olivia didn’t want to be there anyway. After getting a text from Riley at about 10 pm, Olivia headed back out to the Estate. Opening the door, she heard the music and laughter still carrying on. She slipped quietly through the lounge where they all were and into the kitchen to make a coffee. Hearing a noise behind her, she saw Riley stubble into the kitchen with an empty bottle.
“Livia! My Livia, how long have you been here?” Riley hugged her, almost making her drop the sugar bowl.
“Woo, I got in just a minute ago.” She pushed her back. “Looks like you’ve had a good night.”
“I have. Come, come, you have to meet the girls.” Riley grabbed her hand and pulled her into the lounge. “Ladies, this is my Olivia. Olivia, this is everyone.” Feeling embarrassed, she smiled and gave a little wave. The only one she kind of knew was Mandy.
“Olivia, come and have a drink with us!” Mandy shouted out.
“Ahh,” She slipped her hand out of Riley’s. “I was just making a drink. I’ll just go and get it.” She exited back into the kitchen and took a deep breath. She didn’t feel like this. Going back, the only seat available was next to Mandy. 'Just great’. She thought, moving between legs and furniture and sitting down next to Riley’s receptionist.
As she expected, Mandy started flirting with her. Olivia had to admit she was really attractive, but they were in amongst a group of people she didn’t know, and Riley, who had had a few by the look of it, still looked like her adorable self. She wasn’t used to the kind of attention Mandy was giving her with an audience. Mandy must have picked up the vibe because she asked her to go out onto the balcony for some fresh air. Noticing Riley was in a conversation with one of the others, she got up and followed Mandy out. Once outside, she realized what Mandy’s intentions were. Mandy pounced and pulled Olivia into a kiss. Olivia was aware of Riley inside but was soon distracted by the hungry lips against hers. Mandy tasted of expensive wine, and as much as Olivia’s brain told her to stop, the mix of intimacy and alcohol was arousing.
Somehow, she pulled away.
She looked down at Mandy and then caught something out of the corner of her eye. Looking back inside, Riley was standing there looking straight back at her. Instantly she stepped back from Mandy, looking away, feeling herself go red with embarrassment. She turned and looked out into the darkness. Mandy giggled, covering her face with her hand like a little schoolgirl. She excused herself and went inside, walking right past Riley, who didn’t acknowledge her. Olivia stood there waiting, expecting Riley to walk up behind her and rip into her for taking advantage of her receptionist. But it didn’t come. Turning back around, Olivia saw she’d gone from where she’d been standing.
“Great.” She said to herself. She took a moment to gather herself, then went back inside, heading straight for the coffee that she had left sitting on the coffee table.
Riley watched her come in and sit back down next to the over-affectionate Mandy, but that was it. She continued to play host, but Olivia noticed she’d sobered up quickly.

Not long after, Olivia decided she’d had enough and excused herself, saying she would call it a night. Mandy whispered in her ear, trailing her hand around her thigh, offering her company. Olivia quickly looked up at Riley, who had overheard.
“Ahh, no. But thanks for the offer.”
“Anytime.” Mandy winked at her as she got up.
She headed into the kitchen with her empty cup. She couldn’t believe what had happened back there. She leaned over the counter. How could she be so stupid?
Turning around, Riley walked into the kitchen.
“Hi.” She said nervously.
Riley looked at her but walked right past, grabbing another bottle of wine from the fridge. Olivia watched her, ignoring her while she opened the bottle.
She didn’t stop. She walked straight out into the lounge as Olivia turned, watching her go. Shaking her head, she looked at the ceiling and sighed. Dropping her shoulders, she went and rinsed out her cup and headed upstairs. She grabbed her PJs and headed towards the guest room. Turning the light on, she looked at the queen size bed before her. It seemed...empty. She looked back down the hallway to Riley’s bedroom. As uncomfortable as it may be, she couldn’t imagine sleeping alone without her beside her. She turned the light off and went down to Riley’s room, getting herself ready for bed.

She awoke to the sudden movements she was getting used to. Turning over, she felt Riley’s arm fly past her and the sound of panic. She reached over and turned the lamp on. Squinting against the light, she came over and attempted to wake Riley from her nightmare.
“Hey, hey, come on, babe, wake up your dreaming.” She felt her stop for a second then an elbow flew back into her stomach.
“Ah fuck!” Olivia yelled, holding her waist, the pain shooting up her throat and down her leg.
Riley instantly turned over, wide awake. “Are you ok?”
Olivia curled up in agony. Riley reached out and brushed the hair off her face.
“Damn it, Riley, you did that on purpose!”
“Did what?”
“Elbowed me in the guts!”
“I did not!”
Olivia tried to straighten herself out.
“If you’ve got something to say, Rye, just say it.”
Riley pushed her hair behind her ear, and Olivia looked at her in disbelief.
“Hello, you elbowed me in the guts!” She tried to sit up. “This is about what happened with Mandy, so just say it.” Riley sat up and looked away. “Riley,” Olivia said impatiently.
“I just...” She turned and looked at her. “I just didn’t know you were...”
“Gay?” Olivia sighed, rubbing her stomach, feeling the pain subside. “It’s not as if it’s written on my forehead, Rye.”
“I know, I’ve never told me you like girls. I mean, Eddie, Rick?” Olivia just looked at her for a moment. She knew the reason why she hadn’t told her.
“I never really knew. I guess I did, but not really.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It has taken me a long time to get used to who I am.” She looked at Riley. “And a long time to get used to people not being completely comfortable with me.”
Riley reached over and touched her arm. “But Livia, this is me.”
Olivia got out of bed.
“Exactly! You were the most judgmental person I knew, and I was happier without knowing.”
Riley looked up at her, and Olivia took a deep breath, calming herself down.
“Anyway, that’s all in the past, you know now.” She looked over at her. “I’m still here to do a job whether you’re comfortable with me or not. I’ve got to go and find some painkillers.”
“Livia,” Riley said quietly. Olivia stopped in the doorway.
“I’m sorry I hurt you.”
Olivia smiled slightly, flicking her eyebrows before exiting the room.

She went downstairs and found some painkillers in the kitchen pantry. Grabbing a glass of water, she sat at the dining room table. She could feel the tears behind her eyes. She never thought she’d tell Riley this way. She had pictured it so differently. She hadn’t been with anyone for a long time now. The attention from Mandy just brought on the craving she had been hiding.
Who was she kidding? Riley’s reaction did matter. It mattered the most. She’d always been able to be affectionate with Riley like friends do, but telling her the truth back then, when she was confused, she was scared that Riley would turn her back on her.
What scared her more was that she knew it was Riley that she wanted to be with. That’s why she had left all those years ago. That rejection would have killed her.
She sat there not knowing what to do and felt uncomfortable now.

Riley came down the stairs, noticing the light still on. Seeing Olivia wasn’t in the kitchen. She went into the lounge, hearing the television on. Olivia was stretched out on the couch asleep. She sighed, quietly going to the coffee table in front of her. She sat down and looked at her sleeping friend in front of her. Though she’d spent all those years sleeping in the same room with her and the last few weeks sharing with her, this was the first time in a long time she’d watched her sleeping.
She looked so at peace. The muscles in her face were relaxed. Riley could see the baby-faced Olivia she’d grown up with. The laugh lines were a bit deeper, but it was still her. Though she couldn’t see them, she could see Olivia’s hazel eyes that she’d sometimes seen a piercing green. Olivia had always just... been Olivia.
With this newfound news, she couldn’t help sitting there looking at her differently. As much as she wished she could deny it, she knew she would have treated Olivia differently growing up if she had told her she was gay. They wouldn’t be the friends they are now if she’d told her. Thinking of the number of times they’d slept in the same bed together, she’d always been comfortable with Olivia enough to cuddle up to her. Olivia never pushed her away, and she’d never tried anything on her. Thinking if there had ever been a time that she could have given Olivia any wrong signals, she couldn’t think of any until she thought of the both of them only months earlier, a moment between best friends who would not see each other again. And Olivia kissing her on the lips as she walked out the door, Riley remembered, was a sweet, intimate sign of their deep love for each other as friends.
As Olivia’s dad had said, they were like family. They had a bond, a deep bond they always had.
Riley looked back up at Olivia, asleep in front of her, feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Her chest felt warm all of a sudden. She did love Olivia deeply. She always had. She’d never thought of Olivia that way, sexually, romantically. She didn’t know if she could cross that line with her or any woman.
Looking at Olivia’s closed eyes, she smiled. If Olivia had been awake or had indeed come back upstairs, she never probably wouldn’t have thought about everything she just had. It was almost like she’d just had a silent conversation with her best friend.
She quietly got up and found a blanket in the cupboard. Gently, she spread it out over her, tucking it in slightly. She turned the television off and headed back upstairs, turning the lights off. They needed this time apart; tomorrow was a new, fresh day.

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