Chapter 1

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The Evening Star is shining bright

So make a wish and hold on tight

There's magic in the air tonight

And anything can happen

“Just at that moment,” Keith’s mother read, her purple eyes scanning the page, “the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes and pleaded, ‘Oh, please, dear princess, only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch!’”

Keith listened intently to his mother from his best friend's room as she finished making her dress. His purple eyes stared at his mother as she read, sparkling in anticipation, drinking every word.

Allura, his best and only friend, whispered into his ear as they listened. “Here comes my favorite part,” she whispered with a large grin that crinkled her bright blue eyes.

Krolia, Keith’s mother, smirked at them from over the book as she turned the page. She continued, reading as she threaded her needle, not even needing to read the words to know what they say.

“And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea, that she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature,” Allura’s smile grew with every word while Keith slowly turned into disgust. Krolia continued, “leaned forward, raised him to her lips,” both the children were leaning forward from where they sat on the ground, anticipation in their bones. “And kissed that little frog!”

Allura squealed in little girlish delight as Keith gagged, his dark hair falling into his face. Krolia chuckled lightly at the reactions and turned the page, seeing the very drastically different reactions of her son and his best friend. “Then, the frog was transformed into a handsome prince. They were married, and lived happily, ever after. The end.”

Allura cheered, clutching her puppy, whose name was Mouse, her hair falling from the bun it was in in thick white curls. “That was wonderful! Please read it again! Please read it again!” She bounced from where she was sitting ‘criss-cross applesauce’ next to her best friend.

Krolia smiled at the happy little girl. “Sorry Allura, It’s time for us to be heading home.” She looked to her son and her smile turned softer, “say goodnight Keith.”

Keith looked at Allura, whose bright blue eyes sparkled at the book. “There is no way in this whole wide world, I would ever, ever, ever and I mean never, kiss, a frog.” Keith gagged again.

“Keith, you wouldn’t kiss the frog! You’re a boy!” Allura giggled. “Only a girl could kiss the frog prince and become a princess!”

“What? Who says I can’t become a princess?” Keith asked with a pout and a cross of his arms.

“You’re a boy, silly! You can’t marry a prince and become a princess, but I can, and I would! I would kiss a hundred frogs if I could marry a prince and become a princess.” Allura sighed and fell dramatically to the ground, almost squishing Mouse. Her long white hair fell with her, acting as a pillow. Her dark skin glistened in the evening lights, making her gently glow.

Keith giggled at his friend and fell to the floor next to her, a little less gracefully. Keith looked so pale next to Allura, and his black hair seemed even darker next to Allura’s pale white. “Even if I could marry a prince and become a princess, I would still never ever kiss a frog.”

As Keith and Allura giggled on the floor, Krolia cleaned up her sewing station and brushed off Allura’s new princess dress.

“Evening Krolia.” She turned and saw Allura’s adopted father, Coran. He stepped with pep and purpose in his feet as he entered the room, unbuttoning his suit jacket.

“Daddy! Daddy! Look at my new dress! Isn’t it wonderful?” Allura yelled excitedly to her father, showing off Krolia’s new piece of work.

“Why, I’d expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in New Altea!” Coran said excitedly, scooping up his daughter. From the view in her father’s arms, Allura got a good view of the pictures in the story book Krolia was just reading from, making her smile.

“Ooh! Daddy, I want that dress!” She exclaimed excitedly, pointing to the open page.

“Now princess-” Coran began, before getting his ginger mustache tugged on by his daughter and her squirming like a worm on a stick.

“I want that one! Please, please, please, please!!” Allura squealed out.

Coran looked at Krolia with pleading eyes. “Krolia, do you think you could- ow! Whip up something like that?”

Krolia smiled at the father and daughter as she picked up her bag and brushed a strand of her dark purple hair out of her eyes. “Anything for my best customer.” She said, gesturing to the dozens of princess gowns she has created for Allura in the past. Allura cheered as Keith grabbed Krolia’s hand and squeezed, rubbing his eyes. Krolia smiled softly at her son as he slightly yawned. She tugged his hand as they started walking down the hallway, on their way out the door. “Come along now Keith, your daddy should be home from work by now.” Keith smiled a toothless grin.

“Do you think he’ll let me help him with a car?” Her smile got bigger as she looked down at her son and the voices of Coran and Allura died down.

“We’ll see.” Keith fist bumped the air, but never left his mother’s hand.

Edited on January 1st, 2022

I'm back bitches

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