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"It's.. stuck.. on my..my..o(><)o."

Midoriya Izuku has known Bakugo Katsuki his entire life, with growing up in the same neighborhood and all. It was hard to miss him, especially since Katsuki was someone Izuku looked up to a lot when they were younger. But ever since that one time the greenette had accidentally peered down at Katsuki's phone from behind, only to see a half naked boy with a collar around his thin neck. Izuku went rigid.

And he especially went stiff once seeing the word 'master.'

Was... Bakugo Katsuki into that type of stuff...?

Izuku didn't bother to ask, they had already been on bad terms after that villain incident and the green eyes boyed had bigger things to worry about— like training to get One For All— than worry about or be concerned at the fact Katsuki might have a boyfriend who's into some weird kinks...

Katsuki's fetish aside, Izuku was extremely nervous the day of the entrance exams. He could hardly sleep! And as he made his way up the hill to reach U.A... his face went pale.

There in front of him walked a familiar spiky blond haired boy, and.. the same [h/c] haired teen Izuku had saw in the photo months ago. What was happening?

Did that guy want to go to U.A too? Granted everyone wanted to go to U.A, so that was no surprise, but what type of quirk did Katsuki's boyfriend have to make the blond take interest in him?

Izuku didn't know so that's why he didn't go up to greet 'Kacchan.' He just couldn't.

It was far too awkward since that [e/c] eyes boy was with him, how do you introduce yourself to someone who you've already seen half naked and collar on? There was no proper way to say it... besides Izuku feared even if he did go up to say hi. Katsuki would kill him...

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U.A Bathroom's Stall
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"I think I'm wearing your underwear..." Muttered the corgi, both boys standing in a stall together.

The exam was going to start any minute and the [h/c] haired boy had been complaining that his clothes were uncomfortable. And like any owner, Katsuki accompanied his dog to the bathroom to see what was up. Only to be faced with an issue he didn't expect he'd have to deal with in his entire life.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The blond seethed, should he be offended or something?

[m/n] whined again, complaining that his undergarments were far too tight and every time he moved it hurt.

Was this dog saying that Katsuki's ass was flat compared to [m/n]'s that it was impossible for the [h/c] haired boy to wear his underwear?

Katsuki didn't know why but he did kinda feel insulted by that! Like wtf.

"Just take it off, I'll wait outside."

"Huh? Master wait, I can't take it off, I'm stuck."

"What the fuck? What do you MEAN your stuck?"

"It's.. stuck.. on my..my..o(;>△<)o."

"I'm not about to fucking help you with that."

"...it hurts. (ಥ﹏ಥ)."

"Goddamnit, let's hurry and make this quick before the exams start."

Outside the boys bathroom, and blond haired male quickly scurried inside. His blatter about to burst as he was about to explode from nervousness.

The blackish thunderbolt that was dyed into his hair was frizzed up as he tried to calm down his beating heart— that's when he heard it.

"Mmhp—! Master you're going too fast!" Came a small whimper from one of the stalls, followed by a few incoherent curses and mutters.

As well as a belt buckle clinking against the bathroom floor.

And that's when Kamanari Denki didn't at all have to use the bathroom anymore.

His nervousness completely gone as his face was flushed with an embarrassed hue.

'W-What the hell! Why would t-two guys be doing that at school!'

And as the blond raced away, a happy [m/n], and an annoyed Katsuki exited the bathroom stall.

"Let's hurry and go master," Beamed the [e/c] eyed boy, his tail wagging from side to side as his lower parts were finally free from the intense pressure. ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶

Not having a clue of the misunderstanding both of them have created.

~ a u t h o r ' s  n o t e ~

I'm pretty sure at this point we can all agree this fanfic is very misleading. (。'▽'。)♡

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