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I am starting to see everyone outside of the classroom less now that things are getting busy, and the season for volleyball is starting soon. I get to be with friends during classes of course, but some of them choose to meet their juniors for their major work, as some have to because they can't meet outside of school. Some of them do extra volleyball practice as well, but when that happens, Rosé, the twins and I just sit in the stands of the gym and eat our lunch whilst they practice.

I am really surprised how Joy gets to be in our Science class even though she's one year below us. I am thankful for her being my lab partner no doubt, even though this is the only class I don't get to be with Seulgi in a class we share. It makes me sad but I do appreciate Joy nonetheless, she is apparently really inspired by her parents who have deep medical backgrounds, and instead of being pressured from her parents to follow their footsteps, she does really enjoy this type of work, to the point where Science teachers all agreed that if she wants, she can move up a grade just for this class, and she did just that. I asked her how Science in her senior year will work considering the next step above senior year is literally university, and she said the Science teachers will collate some university lectures for her to study and learn from, and she won't need to go to any official class at that point. Must be nice.

Music class is always enjoyable with Rosé and she seems to be in a happier mood lately too. She told me that she finally got together with Jisoo, and I couldn't be more excited for her. I asked how it all happened but she said it's a moment they want to keep to themselves and cherish.

Since Music is an elective, the teachers are allowed to structure the classes differently, as long as they are teaching us well. Elective classes are based heavily off of feedback from students who have taken them before and also surveys of what upcoming students expect or would like to experience when taking these classes. The theory component is pretty structured, but in terms of the practicals, that's where the flexibility shows. Our teacher gave us options on what we want our final assignment for this term to be. Marking will be stricter as we have a choice on what we want to be assessed on. Our choices were singing, playing a piece on your instrument, song composition (producing) or an essay, as some students just enjoy studying music and don't have any musical skills. I chose to sing, as it's what I love to do.

Amidst of all this chaos starting to happen, I am finding myself quite comfortable and at peace. My previous traumas haven't caused me to have a panic attack yet, and the people I have associated myself with are some of the most warming people. I do attach myself to Seulgi, but I am getting more accustomed to her friends being my friends as well now, and not just being a tagalong in the group. I want to say thank you to all of them for being so nice and welcoming, so I decided to make them all kimbap for the end of the week. I do want to make cookies as well, but only for someone in particular.

They allowed me to be me, and to take things at my own Tempo. Of course I need to make something extra for Seulgi, and not just because she's been the best person to me since I've gotten here, but it's because she's the best person ever in my eyes.


Wendy I like you, I know you just got here and I really don't want to scare you away, but I do like you a lot. These feelings I have are serious, and I am serious about being with you. I won't rush, I'll make my move in due time, however let's not mess up the Tempo of how things are going.

(A/N: the rest of the friends and characters to be introduced soon)

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