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Siren Adams

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Siren Adams

In the TMNT and MHA Fandom
(He's a turtle in TMNT and idk how to make that lol just imagine a turtle version of him lol)

Height: 5'11 (6'3 in TMNT)

MHA quirk: Silver Mist, a sort of gas/mist that when he inhales it makes him stronger physically. He can also control it and confuse people with it. When he gets VERY angry, it can flow subconsciously from his eyes and palms.

Personality: a pretty chill guy, not exactly a chad, but not a nerd, you know? He makes his own rules and goes his own path. He likes to sing and play Guitar, but he only does it on front of people he trusts/is comfortable with. Don't make him mad, he get's pretty protective over his "family" seeing that he failed to protect... anyways.

Single/Taken?: Taken by GalaxyComets556 's OC Jason.

Weakness: Like I said above, Jason. He'll do literally anything for him.

Voice Example:

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