Soogyu - "Tickle Fight"

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Tickle Fight
Genre: Flash Fiction
Word Count: 922
Band: TXT
Ship: Soogyu/Beombin
Written: July 10, 2020

"You have all of them?" Soobin asked.

Beomgyu grinned. "All of them."

"I still can't believe this is all of them," Soobin said in wonder as Beomgyu displayed all of Hueningkai's Molang plushies, which he had collected in the living room. "So now what do we do with them?"

Beomgyu had an evil glint in his eye. "I was thinking we destroy them."

"What?" Soobin put his hands up in mock protest. "Why would we do that? You know he would cry for the rest of the week if we did that."

"Come on, 'Bin. What are we gonna do, have a tea party with them?"

Soobin grabbed one of the plushies and threw it at Beomgyu. "Or we could have a fight with them."

"That's --" Beomgyu ducked out of the way as the Molang plushie hit the refrigerator. "You just said you didn't want to destroy them!"

"Oh, as long as we don't destroy them..." Soobin grinned, holding another one.

Beomgyu grabbed the Molang from the refrigerator and threw himself at Soobin, swinging every which way. It had been ages since the boy band had had a proper pillow fight. And now, with Hueningkai out at the store and Yeonjun and Taehyun at the studio, the setting was ripe for a two-person Molang fight...even if Hueningkai would cry if one of them ripped.

Soobin backed into the couch, grabbing Beomgyu and taking him with him, up and over the couch back. "If you go down, I go down!"

"Ahh, not today!" Beomgyu shoved the Molang in Soobin's face just as he landed in a pile of three more. He then grabbed another and threw it at Soobin, hitting him square in the face.

"You'll pay for that," Soobin said with a laugh as he pushed Beomgyu into the entire pile of plushies. He threw a couple more on for good measure, then stood up and marveled at his pile of Beomgyu-And-Plushies. "There, are you good now, Gyu? ...Gyu?"

Soobin crouched down to peer through, hoping Beomgyu wasn't actually hurt. He hadn't responded in fifteen seconds. But of course he wasn't hurt. Beomgyu was just waiting to pounce, like a puma on the run.

With no warning, Beomgyu erupted from the plushie pile, grabbing onto Soobin's arm and jumping on him. Soobin lost his balance, hard, and tumbled right into the plushies, grabbing Beomgyu to soften his fall. Both boys hit the ground, and in the process, Beomgyu's nose bumped up against Soobin's.

It was just a brush. But when Beomgyu opened his eyes, he was on the ground looking up at Soobin, replaying that moment in his head. Did he really just...? Had those been Soobin's lips against his?

Soobin stared down at Beomgyu. He had felt it, too, the involuntary skimming of his top lip against Beomgyu's bottom one on the way down. "You ok?" he asked, momentarily getting lost in Beomgyu's eyes, not ever realizing before how they could pull him in.

Beomgyu reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind Soobin's ear, and Soobin automatically leaned down. He kissed Beomgyu, fully, softly, this time, not really knowing what he was doing but just knowing it felt right. It was quick, but Soobin brushed his nose against Beomgyu's and pulled back a bit. He could be making a huge mistake. This was supposed to be a Molang plushie fight. It wasn't supposed to turn into something more.

But when Soobin looked into Beomgyu's eyes again, he had never wanted to turn it into something more more.

"...are you sure about this?"

"Yes," Beomgyu breathed, and he leaned forward again, capturing Soobin's lips in his own.

Soobin was shocked, but Beomgyu knew exactly what he was doing. This was the same scenario he had fantasized about for weeks, then ignored, then brought back up again. He had been expecting a couple of fun hours with just Soobin-hyung, and while he hadn't expected this, he was going to take advantage of it.

Soobin sank into Beomgyu's kiss, moaning as the younger boy's hands snaked up his neck to his hair. He stabilized himself on top of Beomgyu, leaning on one hip while he played with Beomgyu's locks, pulling him closer by the cheek with his right hand. He felt Beomgyu gasp, felt how Beomgyu tasted, like cherry chapstick and a bit like the tteokbokki they had eaten earlier. He had never been this close to any of his other band members, had never kissed any of them like this.

Beomgyu hummed into the kiss, enjoying himself way too much. Soobin was wonderful and amazing and handsome all rolled into one, and he wanted to kiss him for as long as possible. He took him all in, breathing in Soobin's air, nearly tasting his tongue on his lips --

Soobin heard the door unlock, and he pulled away immediately, sitting up. His head jerked toward the door, unable to see over the couch. Then, he heard a dolphin shriek and a "WHY ARE MY PLUSHIES OUT HERE???"

"No reason!" Soobin got to his feet to stop Hueningkai at the door, giving Beomgyu a chance to recover. He sat on the floor, glancing up at the hidden doorway, and smiled. That was good. Really good. He giggled a bit. He'd have to talk to Soobin about it later, but first, he had to face the plushie monster and confess his sins.

And after that? Who knew, but it was Soobin. Beomgyu had a feeling there were a lot more kisses to come. 

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