1. Prologue..Snowy North

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They say north winters are harsh, it's cold, it's makes you home bound , not letting you go out, especially this wretched winter snow storms but as Arthit looks out of the window, the only thing he feels is calm, serenity.. the softly falling snow, turning into blizzard slowly.. soothing his bleeding beating heart..

 soothing his bleeding beating heart

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" Dada.."

before he can even turn,he can feel kamon jumping onto the bed, her small arms wrap around his lower abdomen as he watches mother nature white washing the scene outside..and prae's soft chastising voice right behind her..

" Shh kamon, dada is not well, you may hurt him, don't hold him so tight.."

" Yes, I know , I am going to have a brother or sister soon, I should not put pressure on his tummy., but Prae ja ( endearment for aunt) I am just lightly hugging dada, I will never hurt him again..."

Arthit immediately turns and faces her, and wipes the two fat tear drops which escapes his daughter Kamon' s eyes, as prae audibly sighs..

" We all know that kamon.."

He stares deep into the her bluish green  distressed eyes, which resembles a vast serene ocean so much, and the flicker of gold in her pupils makes them more regal and alluring..she is just two and half , but Kamon is extraordinary, which is expected since she bears two unique genes..a superior high alpha from kong and Arthit's  very own powerful but different omega genes..

Her show of uniqueness has started within six months of her birth..she started walking by six months, skipping the baby crawling stage altogether, her speech was getting clearer by one year, and now at two and half  she has intelligence capabilities and look of more than a six year old..

She is tall,well built like an high alpha girl, but then her porcelain skin, soft curly brown hair, and lingering enticing smell of wild liles, gives a lingering omega vibe, but along with the dashing physicality and intelligence quotient, her strength has grown in leaps and bounds too..which came as a frank shocking surprise to Arthit..

The first line of crease for worry on Arthit's forehead was formed when as a baby only of age, one year and few months old, Kamon, while she was playing with other alpha and omega kids,was purposely pushed by a bigger alpha boy..

Kamon's fiery temper had shown its face then and she had grabbed the alpha boy of more than seven years old by his collar and thrown him atleast a foot away onto a pillar, injuring him grievously,and stunning her nanny and everyone around..

That was the beginning of the gossips about her, which increased as time passed, it didn't help that she kept on having temper tantrums like a normal two year old, but those temper tantrums like normal toddler became extreme bouts of violence and meltdown for Kamon and sadly, only Arthit could control her at those moments and soothe her down, ..but Arthit has his plates full too, with his dual clan duties..

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