Kio. Addison, Dixie Charlie, nick Bridget and
chase all met up outside they were all getting sorted and figuring out who was gonna ride with who in the two different cars

"Okay losers this is how it's gonna go. Addison and I will take one car and nick and Charlie can ride with us, and chase you take one car and Dixie and Bridget can ride with you okay? Okay" he clapped his hands together Getting in the car before anyone could say anything

"I don't want Bridget with me"

"I am not riding with chase Kio"

Chase and Bridget turned to each other, giving death stares and everybody groaned knowing what was about to start

"Here we go" Charlie sighed placing a hand on her hip

"Can you two not start? Please for god's sake" Kio said rubbing his face in frustration.

"Yeah please!" Addison looked at them "also whenever you two argue you guys upset nick and he looks like he's gonna throw up." they all turned their gazes to nick who already looked kinda sick "it's true." He whispered

"Well whatever, I am not riding with chase and his stupid attitude," Bridget said

Chase give her the middle finger which she returned.

"Kio I swear to god if she's in the car with me I'll kill myself and everyone in the car with me," Chase said leaning against the car

"Wait what," Dixie said

"Oh my god okay fine, Addison you go with chase Bridget you come with me that's final" everyone nodded and as Bridget was walking pass chase to get to kios car she heard chase mumble something


"Dickhead" she glared and he gives her a fake sweet smile.

They all got in their cars and was off to the restaurant, a couple of minutes of driving they made it to this cute Italian restaurant and they were seated by the waitress the girls on one side of the table and the boys on the other side.

Unfortunately for chase and Bridget, they had to face each other but Dixie gives them a look to shut them up before they could start.

"This place looks awesome Addison, let's just hope the food is awesome too," Dixie said taking a picture of the restaurant.

Addison nodded "it's really good I've eaten here with my family a lot"

"Oh I remember that you called me in the bathroom crying after Lucas spilled soda all over you," Charlie said

Bridget wasn't really paying attention to the girl's conversation as she noticed a cute waiter, he was serving another table but he looked up at her and nodded his head giving her a little smirk, oh wow he was definitely her type

She smiled looking down, then suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her leg she let out a loud yelp making everyone including the hot waiter look at her with wtf looks. and she realized chase hit her leg under the table when she turned to look him he smirked

"Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something?" He asked with a blank face, Bridget gasped "you asshole you did that on purpose!"

"Oh wow, your so smart, did it take rocket science to figure that out?" He asked giving a look like she was the dumbest person alive

"Oh my,- chase why are you such a freaking dick!" She scream-whispered, he just leaned closer making Bridget's breathing hitch, she hated when he did that, he'd get close to her face and look into her eyes and make her feel like a child with just one look and he knew he made her feel that way that's why he did it

He sighed looking away from her for a second "who knows maybe it's because I didn't get enough attention as a child" he looked back at her "our maybe it's just because I don't like you"

"Ugh" she kicked him. But she kicked him so hard the glass vase fell off the table and shattered everywhere making everyone jump and making nick let out a girly scream

"What the hell did you two do" Kio whispered screaming at them.

"Don't blame me, blame the idiot over there?" chase said pointing at Bridget

"Enough both of you!" Dixie shushed them and Charlie shook her head "children they're literal children"

"Oh god they're gonna get us kicked out of a restaurant my families been coming to for years"

A very angry worker walked over to them and before they could say anything the man pointed to the door, "out", was the only thing he said and the gang nodded not even saying anything.

As they all walked out of the restaurant Kio snapped "see what your guys fighting did? It got us thrown out of a restaurant!"

"That my families been coming to for years!" Addison said once again

"Seriously guys this is Getting out of hand," Charlie said annoyed and Dixie nodded

"I just wanted Italian food," Nick said

Chase just crossed his arms looking away from the group, they're so fucking dramatic chase thought to himself and Bridget sighed feeling guilty

"I'm sorry-" she got interrupted by Kio "no no no look I love both of you guys but if you're gonna act like children you're gonna be treated like them. Now while we-" he gestured to himself and the others "-go enjoy a good meal you two figure out how to get home"

Chase looked at him with narrowed eyes, "what is that supposed to mean?" Chase asked and Kio threw the keys to nick, "you'll see" nick seemed to catch on and the others to, as Charlie let out a loud laugh and the others shook their head in amusement.

And in a blink of an eye, they took off without chase and Bridget

Bridget gasped and chase said "fucking seriously"

"Some friends they are!" Bridget yelled loud enough for Kio to hear he gave her the middle finger from the window and screamed back "have fun"

Chase and Bridget looked at each other, and they both rolled their eyes already frustrated

"Just great" chase said sarcastically

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