Up All Night- Larry One Shot

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Louis was awoken by crying, Darcy’s crying. Louis rolled over to look at the clock beside his and Harry’s bed. 2:36am it read. Louis had been up half the night with his poor daughter. She has a fever of some sort and wouldn’t settle properly. Darcy had been cranky all day and Louis was really starting to get agitated. He couldn’t handle her crying for much longer. It wasn’t so much that he couldn’t stand the noise and lack of sleep but that his baby girl was in pain. He felt helpless. He didn’t know what more he could do. He rolled back over to face Harry. Harry had always been a deep sleeper. He could sleep through anything. Louis lay there and looked at his husband sleeping so peacefully. His chest rising and falling and the most adorable little noises escaping from his perfect nose and mouth. Louis needed Harry’s help though. Louis prodded Harry ever so gently, Harry took a couple of seconds to stir but once he opened his weary eyes, Louis had his full attention.

He looked into Harry’s beautiful eyes. Louis looked desperate,

“I need you to go and see Darcy, I don’t know what to do babe”.

“It’s okay boo, I’ll go and see if she is okay”.

Harry rolled over and got out of bed, he walked across their room to the hall way. He went down the hall and into Darcy’s room. Louis just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Darcy was still crying, Louis hoped she was okay.

As Harry went into his daughter’s room, he could see her sitting upright in her cot, tears streaming down her face. Harry felt awful. He had been asleep whilst the 2 loves of his life were awake, one racked with worry and one who was in pain. Harry felt so guilty. Darcy saw Harry come into the room, the second she saw her daddy she stretched out her arms, beckoning for a cuddle. Harry walked over to her cot,

“Hey darlin, what’s wrong”, he said as he lifted her up and over his shoulder. He felt Darcy’s little arms stretch around his neck. Clinging into the cuddle. She moved her head into Harry’s shoulder. Harry felt so bad, his baby was in pain and there was nothing he could do to help her. Darcy was still crying, screaming more really. Harry rocked her back and forth but she just wouldn’t stop crying. Louis called out from the bedroom,

“Is she okay, babe”?

“I don’t know what’s wrong boo” Harry called back.

Harry couldn’t bear to her crying. He was trying to think of something that he could do to soothe her. He didn’t know how he could fix it.

All of a sudden Louis heard silence. She had stopped crying. He was worried, what if she had collapsed he thought. He leapt out of bed and walked down the hall. As he got closer to Darcy’s room he could hear this ever so faint noise, it was Harry, and he was singing.

Isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful. Isn’t she precious, less than one minute old. And I never thought through love we’d be, makin one just as lovely as she, but isn’t she lovely made from love”.

Louis stood at the door just watching his husband rock their daughter back and forth, singing ever so gently to her. Darcy looked so peaceful being held in her daddy’s arms. She was falling asleep listening to Harry. Louis walked over to the pair. Gently brushing Harry’s fringe out of his eyes, and kissing Darcy ever so gently on the top of her head. Harry and Louis looked into each other’s eyes, feeling a sense of relief. Louis thought that maybe he’d join in,

Hush little baby don’t say a word” He sang, Harry joined in, the pair singing ever so softly to their daughter

Daddies gonna buy you a mocking bird, and if the mocking bird won’t sing daddies gonna buy you a diamond ring

Darcy was now sound asleep. Her chest rising and falling with her breathing, she was making the same noises as Harry did when he slept, Louis couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach, seeing his baby girl and husband together like that. Harry gently put Darcy back into her cot and Louis pulled the blankets over her little body. The pair just stood there for a minute, watching their daughter. A sense of happiness enveloped the duo, she had finally stoped crying.

“Come on boo, lets go back to bed” Harry said,

“Okay babe”.

Louis and Harry walked back to their room and got back into bed. They lay facing eachother.

“Thank-you for that babe, I love you and our little angel so much” Louis spoke in a soft tone, as to not wake Darcy.

“Love you too” Harry said as he gently lent in and kissed Louis’ nose and forehead before closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.

Louis stayed awake for a little while, just watching Harry sleep.

“I’m so lucky to have you” he whispered, looking at Harry.

Louis gently lent in and kissed Harry’s nose, Harry made the smallest smile. Louis drifted off to sleep, his arms wrapped around Harry’s muscled torso. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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