shits gon go down 👁️👅👁️

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Nobody's POV

"Khun! Give me back my pocket!" The brunette said as he struggled to reach the other's hand. "What if i don't want to?" The bluenette said teasingly.

He was then caught off guard when there was a very bright light coming towards them.

Once they were hit by the light, everything turned black.

Bam's POV

Ugh.. what just happened... my head hurts so much!.. I said as i sit up slowly while i support my head with my hand.

"GUYS HE'S AWAKE" Shibisu shouted so everyone could hear it. Rak then ran towards me. "Blue Turtle! we saw you and Black Turtle unconscious on the floor!"

Wait...did Rak called me Blue Turtle..

" must be mistaken im Bam" Shibisu and Rak just looked at me like i was the dumbest person in the whole world.

I then looked to my side to!

"WHAT THE-" I then shouted and the one beside me looked right at me and screamed too.

"WHY AM I SEEING MY OWN BODY" We both said in unison while the others looked at us in confusion.

Hwaryun then stepped in. "Hm..its seems like the two of them switched bodies.." Hwaryun said as she examines us. "How is that even possible Hwaryun?" Shibisu asked while looking at me.

"Tell me what did you guys saw when the both of you blacked out?" She said as she looked at the both of us.

"Well...i saw a very bright light coming towards me and bam" 'Khun' said while looking at me and then at Hwaryun.

"Hmm...i don't think theres a cure for this.." She said with a sad tone. "So...we're stuck like this..f..forever?!" I said in a nervous tone.

"Well..we could try to find a cure, but for the mean time you guys are going to be like that until we find a cure" I then sighed in relief.

"Well we'll leave you guys alone now" She said as she and the others left us both alone.

Khun's POV

"Well atleast i can see my handsome face~" I said teasingly. "Khun! Aren't you even worried?!" Bam said as he smack my shoulder.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Bam then calmed down and apologized. "I'm sorry..." What the why is my heart beating so fast! And why am i heating up?!!

"Khun? Why are you so red?" He said clearly concerned. "I..i don't know.." I said stuttering. Damn it Khun why di you stutter!

"Okay then...i'm a bit sleepy i'm going back to sleep.." He said while he laid down on the bed closing his eyes.

"Okay..." I said while looking at him. I then looked down on my lap to see a bulge growing. WHAT THE FUCK- I started to panic if it was my own body i would take care of it by now but this isnt mine. I then sighed Well i have no choice..

I was about to touch it until someone grabbed my wrist. "Khun..." I then looked to my side to see Bam fully awake...but something seems off about him...his gaze.. It was fucking hot "Why do i feel so hot.." He said in a very seductive tone.

"I-" Before i could speak he smashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was full of lust. Before it becomes too heated i pulled away. I then noticed that Bam wasnt ontop of me anymore...wait..does that mean i got my body back?!

"We got our bodies back!" I said with a smile but Bam wasnt paying attention to that his soft golden eyes was long gone it was now full of lust.

Bam's POV

"Khun...i wasn't done yet.." I then went on top of him pushing him on the bed. Now i'm the top.

"B..bam? What are you doing..?" He said in a nervous voice. "Khun have you forgot about our problem....down there..." I said while smirking at him.

"I'm sure that you're confused right?" I said in a seductive tone. "I'll explain later.." He was about to speak when i kissed him hungrily.

He soon gave in and kissed me back. I slowly went down to his neck. While i was giving soft kisses on his neck he was trying to suppress his moans. "Khun....moan for me.." I said as i started to leave bite marks on his neck, in the end he gave up.

I started to untie his tie and unbutton his shirt. As i removed his shirt i put my hands on his chest. "Bam....please.." He said in a begging tone. "Shh...i will...just be patient...Aguero...."

I started to paint his bare chest with wet kisses until...i suddenly stopped. I pulled his pants together with his draws down. I then started to caress his throbbing dick "B..bam.." i started to lick the tip with precum on it. "M..more...please.." I pushed his whole length into my mouth.

"Bam...!" He grabs my hair as he moans my name. I kept sucking until he finally came. I pulled out with a 'pop'.

I pulled the blanket above us. "W..what about you..?" He asked looking down to my crotch. "It's okay ill take care of it later.." I said as i kissed his forehead.

I was then caught off guard when he hovered above me. "Aguero...aren't you tired..?" He ignored me and slid his hand in my pants. I groaned as i felt his hand caressing my dick.

Khun's POV

It would be unfair if he didnt feel the pleasure i felt right?

I slid my hand into his pants and start to caress his dick. Once i heard him groan that just turned me on. I removed his pants together with his draws "Aguero...." the way he calls me Aguero just makes it more heated.

Honestly i didn't knew that Bam knows these stuffs...i guess i was decieved by those innocent golden eyes.

I was going to put his dick in my mouth until someone knocked on the door. Ah great timing.. I quickly got off Bam and hid under the covers.

"Hey guys were going to have lunch- wait...why is Khun's shirt on the floor...AND WHY IS HIS PANTS THERE?!" Bam could only cough awkwardly. "'s not what it looks like Shibisu..."

"WAIT DID YOU GUYS-" Bam used his shinsu to push Shibisu out of the room. "Good call Bam..." I said as i stood up and dress up. "I'm tired Khun..." He said with a sleepy tone. "Why won't you call me Aguero?"

"Okay then...Aguero..please cuddle with me" He said with a cute pout. If he wasn't that damn cute i wouldve declined it. "Fine.." I went beside him and pull his body close to mine. He nuzzled his face on my chest which is very cute. "I love you Aguero..." That made my heart go to Jupiter.

"I love you too Bam" I said as i kissed his forehead and soon drifting off to sleep.

tHe eNd
okay so um abt that zhuiling one I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE 😭😭😭 well enjoy this one cause THIS HAS 1205 WORDS DNANBD welp bye <3

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