part 2 cause shibisu decided to fuck it up

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Shibisu's POV

"They really yeeted me out huh? ILL TAKE MY REVENGE BY TELLING THE OTHERS" I then went to the cafeteria where everyone else was eating their lunch.

"So are they coming?" Endorsi said as she crossed her arms. "Well...let's say they we're doing something else...." I said with a teasing tone.

"WAIT DID THE TURTLES HAVE SEX?!" Rak said clearly shocked. "WELL IT LOOKS LIKE IT CAUSE KHUN IS NAKED AND ONTOP OF BAM—" I was interrupted by Khun and Bam entering the cafeteria. (i know that they were cuddling but somehow they woke up by Rak's shouting)

While they slowly approach us Khun glared at me. I then looked at his neck wait...are those HICKEYS?! "H..hey Khun...what are those marks on your neck.." I saw how Bam blushed and Khun quickly covered his neck. "Don't act like you don't know" Khun said as he and Bam sat together.

"Hey Blue Turtle! Did you and Black Turtle had sex?" I swear to god i will kill that alligator someday.

Khun's POV

Damnit Shibisu how much did you even saw I suddenly stood up and drag Shibisu with me "What?! Where are you taking me?!" I ignored him and we reached a secluded area.

"How much did you see?" I said with a serious tone. "Uhm....i saw you..ontop of Bam..completely naked.." I shouldve locked the door. "Next time don't come in the room until i say so" He immediately nodded and i went back to sit beside Bam.

"Hey Bam are you okay?" I asked as i notice him zoning out. "O..oh.. i'm okay don't worry..." He said with a reassuring smile but i knew something was wrong cause his smile was very fake. I decided to talk to him after we eat.

Time Skip

"Bam, let's talk...what's wrong?" I said as i held his hand gently. "You can tell me anything it's alright.." I then noticed him tearing up, i quickly pulled him into a hug. "Don't cry Bam...i'm here..." I started caressing his back to comfort him.

"I...i'm scared..Aguero..." He finally spoke but that just broke my heart. "Why are you scared Bam...?" I whispered softly as i kept caressing his back. "I'm scared that you'll leave me...just like Rachel..." Rachel. I'm going to choke that bitch to death. "Bam...i'm not like that rat....i will never leave you" I pulled away from the hug and faced him.

"I will never betray you" I said as i wiped his tears with my thumb. "I'm so lucky to have you Aguero..." I softly smiled at him as i leaned in to kiss him. He quickly kissed me back, his hands slowly snaking around my neck. I pulled away and caress his cheeks.

"Hm...i think my little Cinnamon Roll wants to cuddle~" I saw him blushed by the nickname i used for him. "How did you know...?" I just smiled at him and pulled him to the bed trapping him between my arms. "Aguero..?!" He blushed harder as i give his pink lips a peck.

I felt him nuzzle his head on my chest as i caress his head. "..I like..." I looked dowm on him. "Like what?" I asked "I like the way you caress my head like that..." (hmmm saifahzon??) I smiled at his cuteness, and then i kissed his cheeks. "Bam....i'm so lucky to have you" I said with my voice filled with love and care. "I'm lucky to have you too Aguero..." I blushed a little and kissed his forehead.

"Aguero....wake up..." I was in deep sleep until a low and husky tone woke me up. I slowly rubbed my eyes to see Bam ontop of me. "Bam..?" I asked with my right eye open while the other is still closed. "I'm sorry to disturb your sleep but could you please help me...?" He said with a slight beg in his voice. I sit up and made Bam straddle my lap "You want me to help you....down there..?" He nodded while looking down.

"I'll do anything to help you Bam..." I said as i lift his chin up to look at me. I then leaned in to kiss him, I suddenly flipped him over "I'll help you...but let me be the top now..." He then grabbed my shirt to kiss me hungrily.

Bam's POV

I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, i then felt his hand going in my shirt to pinch my nipples. "A..ah...Aguero..."  He broke the kiss to remove my shirt. He then started to lick my nipples and that just made me go crazy, i pulled his hair as i continuesly moaned his name.

He stopped as he unzips his pants. " you trust me..?" He said as his pants dropped on the floor. "Of course i do Aguero...." Once he heard that he removed my pants and spread my legs. "I'll prepare you a bit.." He said in a seductive tone that made me harder. He grabbed a bottle of lube and squeezed a bit on his fingers, he looked at me and smirked as he inserted one finger in my hole.

"Nngh....Khun..." He started to move his finger painfully slow. "Hmm..? I thought my name was Aguero..?" He said with a teasing tone.

"Please.....more...Aguero.." After hearing that name he added another finger thrusting it faster and harder. The way hes looking at me, the way he hits that spot is just hot.

"Aguero....I...i'm...close..." Once he heard that he started to thrust faster than before. I then released "I think youre ready" He said as he positioned himself "Don't worry will hurt a little bit but the pain will go away" Those words soothed me as i started to relax. "Good boy.." He then kissed me as he entered me, i gripped onto his hair as i felt his dick stretch my hole. Tears started to form as the pain was so unbearable.

I then felt a hand caressing my head. I felt him slowly move and the pain was slowly turning into pleasure. "...Faster...." As soon as he heard that he moved faster and harder, each thrust he makes hits that spot real hard. "A..aguero...more.." My hands started to scratch his back as he thrusts more faster. "I'm....c..close.." He started thrusting harder abusing that spot. "I'm....close too..." He said as i felt his thrusts getting sloppy. After one more hard thrust we both came at the same time. He then pulled out and dropped beside me. "..Bam...i love you so much.." I smiled softly at him and gave his swollen lips a soft peck. "I love you too Aguero..." I then moved closer to him nuzzling my face onto his chest.

"Goodnight Bam"

"Goodnight Aguero.."

I feel so dirty and satisfied CAUSE I JUST WROTE LIKE 1.1K WORDS LIKE- BUT THIS SMUT ISSO DIRTY PLS ok ill stop and now let me think of what to write on chapter 6 :'))))))

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