dealing with the neo nazis and adler

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anwhey we zoom in the bismarck class space ship where blagoj is being informed of the neo nazis and russalka brother adler plans to destroy  texas and prussia which blagoj found to being stupid and foolish needles to say this was a oportonity he wont missied thanks to spyes in inside the space ship blagoj was able to find out how its going to reach texas to do that it will have to travel and get past the authors empire and naval vessels after studying its course blagoj alongside his special forces iron wolves will board the ship and captured along with the neo nazis and adler to being delivered to the alliance and with that we zoom near the earth where the authors are trying to find a way to disabel and board the ship littile did they realize that blagoj and his team managed to open the hatchet and board the space ship after disabiling the security system blagoj and his team we were able  to disable the lazer this allowed their ships to appear and disable the space ship as the neo nazis struggle to repal blagoj and his special forces iron wolves we zoom in the command bridge where adler is being warned of the multiversal global reich special forces and their leader needless to say before he can continue an explosion blows open the door and throught it blagoj and his team enter seeing that he is outnumbered and outgun blagoj told adler to surrender and to dont be a fool to fight the authors and their empires hoever half of his crew agreed to surrender while the other half which want to destroy their enemies are killed by blagoj and his team for not surrendiring we zoom in the prussian empire where a reich dropship is delivering adler and his neo nazis that surrender after landing and delivering  adler to russalka and markwindle along with the rest of the authors we zoom as blagoj is leaving alongside his fleet to return to neu berlin and with that we zoom at neu berlin where a military parade is begining in their efforts in stopping the neo nazis and adler plan as the parade begins with the reich soldiers tanks apc rocket laucher begining to move forward next are the aicraft and helicopters the bombers finally is the robots mechs and metal gears next are the reichs navy and space fleet afterwards is their knightmare frames gundams and mobile suits and with that a new era begins for the reich with so many universes unihabeted the reich will begin colonizing know universes untill it become the most powerful with new technologyes for military and civilian being developed the reichs civilazation level reached 90 with 10 more and it will become more powerful we zoom as blagoj is going to bed and falling asleep preparing for tommorrow sieg heil

anwhey we zoom in the bismarck class space ship where blagoj is being informed of the neo nazis and russalka brother adler plans to destroy  texas and prussia which blagoj found to being stupid and foolish needles to say this was a oportonity he w...

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