ending the entente once and for all

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we zoom in the multiversal global reich where blagoj is giving a speach to the reich and its allies with him saying we were a powerful nation we were exiled we evolved adapted i restored our culture our pride our strength children of the reich now is our time to strike against our hated enemy now is the time to take back whats is ours all those who appoases will suffer sieg heil we zoom at the spaceport where the reichs entire military are preparing for ending this war once and for all we zoom as blagoj and nonette his girfrieund are boarding blagoj command ship the time has come to destroy entente once and for all sieg heil we zoom near the boarder of space between the entente and the reich as evrything is normal littile did they realize this is their last day for the entente then without warning the reich has begun their attack with their space superiority fighters gundams and mobile suits and their space fleet are decimating the entente navy with them trying to stop them and within mere minitues their fleets are destroyed we zoom in the capital of the entente where black is being informed of the reichs invasion but before they can send backup to their alliest they are given report of the reichs technology had advanced to be more powerful we zoom in the other parts of the entente where its members are suffering heavy casualties and their civilians rioting on them leaving the entente we zoom as the reichs allies are destroying the entente allies are attacked by their hated enemies were ordered to destroy the entente allies so the leader can finish black once and for all anwhey after completing their mission we zoom near the entente capital where a grulling siegi begins with the reichs forces are attacking and bombarding their enemies from affar in the end the rest of their allies arrived with troops and supplies and the battle continues we zoom as blagoj is battling black with his gundam vidar while his girfrieund is assiting the troops with their attack in the end the reich captured the capital city with black and his allies being taken to the reichs pow camps the war ends with the entente being destroyed and the entente hated enemies are given several universe from the reich they also changed their govermental bodies to quote dictatorship democrasy style we zoom in neu berling where blagoj and nonette are goint out on a celebration to celebrate their victories with  blagoj fufilling his long goal of taking over the multiverse as well as destroying the entente after that we see blagoj and nonette sleeping on their bed after a long makeout session which they lasted 100 rounds as they fall asleep blagoj knows that the authors will try to rescue black which he dont mind from them rescuing him as he had already all of the multiverse under his control and with that we dont know what the future awaits for the reich sieg heil

we zoom in the multiversal global reich where blagoj is giving a speach to the reich and its allies with him saying we were a powerful nation we were exiled we evolved adapted i restored our culture our pride our strength children of the reich now...

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daily life of the leader of the  multiversal global reichWhere stories live. Discover now