#6: Followed

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Typographical and Grammatical Errors Ahead

Genre: Family

"Mom! My friend invite me to come to their house because it's her birthday. Can I come?"


She sighed and go back to her room sadly.


"Mom! We have a group project but it will held on the house of my classmate. Can I come?"


"But Mom, it's a grou---"

"Just give them your idea about that and you may now go back to your room!"

She sighed while accepting her defeat.


"Mom, I just go to the town and buy some stuff that will needed to my homework."

"No! Stay Andrea!"

She sighed and quietly go back to her room.


"Mom! We have an outing together with my barkada. I will be home early..so please--

"No Andrea! How many times do I tell you that it's a no!"

As what she expected, it's a No again.


"Mom, I have a--

"Your not allowed!"

Again, she sighed dryly and just proceed to her room.


While eating dinner silently with her Mom, she open a topic.



"Why do you always say no?"

"Because your not allowed and that's my rule.

"But I think it is not now a necessa--

"Can you just stop meddling me Andrea and finish your food fastly so you can go back to your room."

She can't control her words now. Her patient is now fully loaded.

"Mom! Even just a little can you say yes instead. You always not allowing me. You think I'm happy to that? No Mom..I'm tired. You just always think about your rules. You can't even think what I'm feeling right now."

She said while her eyes filled with tears now waiting for it to fall.

Her mom laugh mockingly.

"Stop your dramas and just eat your dinner instead. I will be out tonight. I will have business to do. Don't you dare go out to your room. Don't you dare to not follow my rules or else I will never treat you as my daughter."

She just cry and cry the whole night and expected to herself that she will follow what her mother said.


Ana, Mother of Andrea..go home immediately after she got the news that their house are now filled with fire. Burning their house into ashes, Ana panicked for who knows that she didn't find her daughter.

Ana started crying now for her daughter. The fire man fastly kill the fire and thanks God that not all part of their house are burn.

She run to their house just to find her only daughter. She go to her daughter's room on the second floor only to see that her daughter's room is just okay. Relief is filled in her body. She open the door immediately only to find the body of her daughter lying on the cold floor, unconscious. She panicked. Checking her pulse but she can't find any.

She cry and hug the cold body of her daughter. She died of suffocation.

She notice a paper on the right hand of her daughter. She read it..

"Mom, As expected I follow again your only rule. I didn't out of my room. I'm sorry mom. I love you."

Written By: Vonspruce

Credits to the owner of the pics:)

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