#9: The Mountain

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The Mountain

Warning: Typographical and Grammatical Errors Ahead


My name is Mona but everyone called me "montañita", that means mountain.

Because I was never moved, never bothered, always calm.

When I was a kinder, in the middle of the class, I saw my boy classmate stole my eraser.

I didn't bother to react. 'Maybe he needs it.' Thats what I think.

But on the next day, I saw many erasers on his pencil case so I calmly stole a two.

If one of my sibling dropped his food, I'd give him mine so he will stop making a scene.

In 7th grade, when my schoolmates bullied me, I didn't bothered. I even smiled at them making them stopped bullying me.

When my arm broke, I didn't tell anyone.

I hide it. Until my father saw me crying at my room because of so much pain.

In my high school, I saw my sister bullied by the fuckboys on my school because of her short skirt.

I pretended I didn't see it happen.

But that night, I went to her room and switched my not so short skirt into her.

She stopped getting teased.

When my professor in college lost my testpaper and asked me to take again the exam, I nod and did it.

When I receive an award, I will just take it and didn't say anything. Just a silent thanks.

When someone catcalled me, I just bow my head and walked pass by them.

When my parents scolded me, I just sit there, and just nod to their words.

My parents know it. That I am really a montañita.

That I was the easiest daughter of them.

I think what they meant is that out of their 5 daughters, I was the one who hardly cried.

Rarely fussed.

And always calmed.

But when the first time you approached me and offered to buy me a lunch..

I just stayed quiet, like the usual thing I do.

But you think it's a yes.

You said. "Silence means yes."

You brought me a lunch and instead of saying anything..

I'm shocked that I just give you my number.

We texted every night, and even that I am still not that talkative on text, you still pursue me.

We texted for about 6 months and when I say the 3 magic words to you, you are so happy to hear it that you even kissed me.

I smiled and you are so happy to see how I do it.

We dated. Almost everyday. I am so happy.

You thought that you just helped me changing my self for being silent at all. Because I started to smile and talk to you.

But it's wrong because when it's our 5 years in a relationship...

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