This fanfiction is basically a reaction story, but the main cast of Naruto isn't going to be reacting to their series but pictures, comments, quora answers, openings etc.
This idea popped into my head as I read comments on YouTube and I was like: "...
"Woah. That looks badass." Naruto said with comical stars in his eyes.
"That's true but what's 'filler' and 'killer bee rappuden'?" Kiba asked.
Neji noticed a text under the picture and read it for himself before answering: "Apparently filler episodes are used by shows to extend the time between the individual plot points of the major story arcs, or between the end of one major story arc and the beginning of another. A filler episode is one in which nothing happens to affect the progress of the long-term story arcs or to develop the main characters, and no returning side characters, or other significant persons (other than the main characters), appear.
Any episode during a filler arc may also sometimes be described as a filler episode. A filler arc is a storyline (often, though not always, shorter than the regular arcs) in which, over a number of episodes, an adventure is detailed that is unrelated, or tangential, to the main story arc(s); often, the filler arc adventure does not derive from the original source material. Episodes in which permanent changes or character development occur can happen during a filler arc."
Most looked confused. Other people were confused too but hid it better. Shikamaru sighed. "Basically just unimportant events that don't show us grow as a person and just generally aren't important to our or I guess Naruto's story."
Shikamaru was thanked before Hinata quietly asked: "And 'Killer Bee rappuden'?"
Neji shook his head. "There isn't anything else written here."
"Maybe we find out later. " Temari suggested.
With that they stopped the conversation and continued to explore the hallway.