Chapter 7

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TW: Scenting

After practice, the team heads to their locker room to change. Shirabu notices that the bowl cut boy becomes slightly red while he is in his deep thoughts, he tries to clear his throat just to gain his attention. "Why are you so red?" He asks, catching the others' attention, all eyes are on Goshiki when he suddenly breaks the silence. "N-nothing!" The other alpha squeaks, doing something else just to avoid the embarrassing action. The copper haired male didn't look satisfied with his answer, instead he just blankly stares at the obvious panicking figure. 

"I heard you and [Name] became roommates? How was things going on between you two?" Semi pips in, removing his practice jersey and wipes his face with the towel.

Ah, so that's the reason he turns red as if Shirabu's theory is right after all. He continues to stare daggers at the fidgeting alpha in front of him "It was nice.." Goshiki quietly murmurs. His skin is turning flushed red, eyes are shifting from to the corner and there, the copper haired male wanted to ask something else but Tendou beat him to it. "Ooh~ Did anything juicy happen?"

The answer is visibly appearing for them, Goshiki tries to look away from all the attention which the four alphas giving him. Apparently, the rest of the volleyball players head out first after changing, said the omega who was insisted to leave the gym as what the coach told him. He became so soft and caring for the omega, knowing he is careless with his own doings leaving the remaining party in the locker room since Semi carries the key always for unlocking the gym when they have practices.

The bowl cut didn't say a thing, something truly made him awkward. Shirabu glanced at [Name] who was asking the alpha to became dormmates with him, Goshiki, well, he was an awkward one, doesn't know how to ask others luckily [Name] was there to save his sorry ass. The clock's hand moving slowly, they are waiting for his answer "I swear if you're not going to tell us—" His sentence was cut off when the latter finally stammers out his response "Y-yeah.. a lot.."

This time, the olive haired alpha becomes intrigued by his answer and asks causing the other to feel uncomfortable. He regrets saying his answer to them especially they have different reactions to it, the mother swan has his eyebrows raising at him and gesturing to continue, his arms are crossing to one another, it wouldn't be a problem since they are the only one left here in the area. Tendou looks like he can't hide a smirk when Goshiki said a thing, he wanted to know what happened and as if he is going to share this to the absence of their volleyball members, Shirabu just rolls his eyes and bluntly states "Go on."

"It goes like this.." He weakly starts the story.


Right after the exams, [Name] suddenly recalls his upperclassmen telling him that Goshiki haven't gotten any roommate yet, he did found him at his class on that day and asked him if they could be roommates. The alpha felt more happier when he finally have a roommate, he anticipates things will get exciting when having one not until the consecutive days occured so awkwardly and wanting himself to hit his head against the wall for bad timing just like this one.

That morning, the alarm clock didn't go off, the figure shifts in his sleep and has a great smile on his face. Slowly, remembering something as he raises up in panicked state "I'm late!" Grabbing the towel before heading to the bathroom. Little did he know, his roommate is also late and is currently brushing his teeth at the moment.

The alpha quickly soaps his body, he didn't want to get bad impressions from the school. He calls out to the omega "[Name]! Are you awake now?" Earning a respond, so he's not the only one who is having troubles in the morning. The clock smugly moves to give them a few minutes to get prepare themselves for school.

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