Part 4

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y/n pov:

I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom with a wall-pounding headache, will this be my death? I could bearly open my eyes, "you're finally in my hands Lee Y/n" I heard a semi-familiar voice, for a moment I felt my heart drop, I forced my eyes to open to see who that spine-shivering voice belonged to.

I saw a very handsome man with dark brown eyes and a sharp jawline, "close your eyes beautiful " at that point I couldn't keep my eyes open, I closed my eyes obeying him, "good girl" I could feel his smile from his tone, "w-what am I d-do-doing h-here? " you asked in a weak voice, "you'll find out tomorrow, now rest angel" all of sudden you felt everything getting blurry all over again, you closed your eyes and everything went black again.

Jungkook pov:

after an hour the bodyguards brought y/n to my house, I told them to put her in the guest house because didn't want Jiah to see y/n, tbh Jiah was nothing compared to y/n.


Jiah was working as a stripper at a bar Jungkook owned, he was very intoxicated and she ended up seducing him to her house and "it" went down, she took loads of pictures and showed them to Jungkook the next day and threatened him with them, but Jungkook wasn't scared about it and used her for pleasure, but poor Jiah thought that he fell for her and she never leaves his side, Jungkook felt bad for her and decided to keep her but JUST for pleasure


after Jungkook left the guest house that y/n was in, not wanting Jiah to find out that Jungkook had kidnapped y/n and that he kind of likes her

y/n was way different from jiah

y/n had this sweet girl image that made admire her while jiah on the hand was a prostitutes who has slept with a lot men before Jungkook and used them for money just like Jungkook

the next morning:

y/n woke up with a little bit of a headache, flashbacks of last night running through her mind making her heart start beating fast and fear visible in her body. a few minutes, a maid knocked on the door and walked with a tray full of food, she maid sweetly smiled and handed her the food tray and a clothes to change to before leaving, but y/n tightly grabbed her hand and annoyed her with questions

"where am I ?" "who brought me here" "who was that guy that was talking to me last night" "what does that guy want from me" "please let me leave"

"I'm really sorry I can't do anything about this, you can told to master Jeon" I looked at y/n with a sad smile before leaving the room

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