Part 10

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after cleaning up and stitching the injured men,y/n decided to go back to her room, but all of a sudden jungkook stopped her, "y/n you can't go into your room and by the way, you can't sleep in there as well" you looked at him confused "oh really, then where will I sleep and why can't I sleep in my room?"jungkook smirked knowing what to say to make y/n flustered.

"you'll be sleeping with me in my room". your cheeks went Chrismon red, you were very flustered, "your room was destroyed by jiah, she ripped all your clothes and everything is broken" your eyes went wide "b-but w-wh-what a-and w-why?" you questioned, completely shocked by what jungkook was saying.

"do you want to check the room out? "jungkook asked, feeling slightly upset over your shocked reaction, you nodded. you and jungkook headed over your room, as you walked in, you felt your heart sink, everything you had in the room was either ripped or broken, even the bed sheets were ripped.

you fiddled with your tiny fingers, you didn't have anything to sleep in, your cheek was swollen and you had no place to sleep in, you felt miserable, and jungkook felt terrible for you, he just wanted to comfort you and cuddle you to make you feel safe, even tho he knew that you won't accept it or like it, because, in his mind, you hated him, "where is she?" you asked, rage and pain building up in you.

but you didn't do anything about it," she is locked up in the other room" he said slightly growling with the thought of her, "master jeon? " you mumbled, he immediately walked up to you and looked at you in the eyes, "yeah?", "where will I sleep again?" he looked at you with a slightly worried expression

"where will I sleep? I'm really tired" you said as you slightly touched your swollen cheek,"you'll sleep in my room, sleep on the bed, I'll be on the couch or the other room", "I'll sleep on the couch, you'll sleep on the bed," you said before heading over jungkooks room, a frustrated jungkook headed to the kitchen, grabbing a pack of ice and an ointment for you, and telling the maids to prepare dinner for you.

for some reason, jungkook liked spoiling you, even tho you hated him, he just wanted to show you love and care, he had so much interest in you, but yet in his mind you didn't care about him at all. jungkook headed to his bedroom to see you asleep on the couch, feeling uncomfortable and cold with these clothes.

jungkook smiled and walked over you tiny sleeping figure and gently picked your sleepy body up, making your eyes slowly open, once your eyes were fully opened you saw jungkook "master jeon what are you doing? " he smiled as he placed you on his bed slowly, "I told you to sleep on the bed, didn't I?" he said before grabbing a hoodie from his huge closet, and giving it to you, "wear this" you nodded, walking into the bedroom and removing all the makeup that you have to put on since MaStEr JeOn WaNtS eVeRy GiRL iN HiS MaNsSiOn tO LooK PeRfEcT.

you were comfortable with his hoodie, but you didn't have pants on, which was slightly uncomfortable, you walked outside seeing jungkook shirtless sitting on the couch, you immediately blushed at his hot body. At that moment, he looked at you, you got so flustered and blushy.

*jungkook pov*

looking at her in my clothes made me want to just walk up to her and cuddle the world out of her, she looked gorgeous barefaced, her lips were so kissable, they made me go insane and her tiny nose, all i could think about was how it would touch mine when we kiss, her sleepy soft eyes, her cute puffy cheeks every about her was mesmerizing, I realized that at this moment, all i need is her here with me

"y/n come sit next to me" she looked at me with a confused look, but she walked over to me and sat next to me, I slowly removed standers of her hair away from her swollen cheek and gently placed the ice pack on her cheek, she lightly winced in pain making my heart drop, "just a bit okay? I'll remove it soon, once your cheek becomes less swollen" I said while holding the side of her facec with my hand, making her feel more comfortable.

after a while,i removed the ice pack and placed the ointment, thank god it was less painful, I hated seeing her in pain, "thank you" she said before yawning, adorable, "are you hungry?" I asked, softly holding her tiny hand and intertwining it with mine, she shook her head as a no, another yawn escaped her mouth, i couldn't help but melt in awe, she was indeed tiny and cute

"go to sleep,I'll sleep in the other room"

"you can sleep next to me you know, just don't touch me inappropriately" she warned before lying her head on the pillow and drifting off to dreamland like a baby

i gently tucked a standard of her hair away from her face, softly pecking her nose "what are you doing to me? why am i so attached to you like that, stop pushing me away, i need you more than anyone and anything in this world"

i placed a hand around her waist, pulling her to my chest, "good night beautiful, i hope you won't hate me tomorrow after this"

Kidnapped by mafia ⁃ jeon jungkook. Where stories live. Discover now