Chapter 10 First Time

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Kook told Lisa that if she will keep insisting to act like a child Kook will end their relationship.

Lisa tell Kook that her family is still one of the Major shareholder in his company who's sound like she was treatening Kook.

-at Kook Office-

After Lisa leave Mr. Kook immediately approach Tae who's sitting at the couch.

"Tae! How are you? Are you okay?"

"oh! Mr. Kook ..of course im okay hehehe dont worry"

"Good! If that so..hmmm are you ready?"

"huh? Ready ! Ready for what Mr. Kook?"

"im going to meet a new client Tae..i want you to come with me."

"ahhh..of course Mr. Kook im ready ... Ive been studying and read those papers you give to me Mr. Kook.."

"Good! Tae" say by Kook while tapping Tae shoulder.

"don't mention it Mr. Kook ..hihihi its my duty.."

"Let's Go ... Tae"

Kook and Tae went down from the office straight to Mr. Kook Black Sports Car. He told his driver that he doesn't need a driver now. He will drive himself. But actually he just want to be with Tae.

Kook open the car door for Tae that's look like Tae was the boss and Mr. Kook is his driver. It was the first-time that Mr. Kook opens a door for someone. He doesn't even open a door for Lisa even if Lisa is her girlfriend.

Tae and Kook are now inside the car. Mr. Kook put on his seatbelt then start driving when he notice  that Tae was not wearing his seatbelt that's why he stop and grab the seatbelt and put it on Tae he doesn't notice that while putting the seatbelt he accidentally touch Tae's butt and his face was an inch away from Tae's face. Slowly Mr. Kook move his face forward to Tae and was about to kiss Tae. But someone interrupted them.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

They were blocking the drive way. (shoot what a bad timing)

Mr. Kook continue driving while Tae was in freeze recalling what happened.


-at Yoongi Office-

Mr. Yoongi ask Jimin to help him for the papers.

"Jimin! Would you please come here..can you help me with this."

"Yes! Mr. Yoongi?"

"here! Can you please re check this one...the file was on the computer just look for it"

"okay! Mr. Yoongi"

"btw.. Jimin are you hungry?"

"ahhhhh! Huh?"

"lets eat later after this...come with me"


"ill take that as can continue rechecking that now."

Jimin and Mr. Yoongi finished checking and encoding those documents and ready to be present at the C.E.O Office. The two went out to eat somewhere. Lol its the first time either for Mr. Yoongi to invite someone to eat with him.

(What's happening to our Mr. Kook and Mr. Yoongi.)


-at Kim Group Company-

At Ms. Kim office she was currently talking to Jaebum his son.

"Jaebum i want you to meet Mr. Kook the C.E.O of JK's Company"

"for what mother? Is that Mr. Kook is La Casa partner?"

"i know that Jaebum but La Casa doesn't know about you ..thats why you're the one who will talk to Mr. Kook"

"but mom"

"there's no but now.. Jaebum.. Its time for La Casa to paid for what they did to our family... I want to get all their business partners and put them in rot."

"alright mom..i understand..but mom..please be careful always know La Casa is so dirty in business they will kill if needed"

"i know that already Jaebum..i hired hundreds of security and bodyguards in civilian dont worry"

"okay mom..i get it"

"i made an reservation at the Italian Restaurant someone will approach you once you will arrive there...and maybe Mr. Kook is heading there now"

"okay! Then i will go now mom.."

"okay! Jaebum.. Be careful okay!"

Jaebum was heading now to place where they made an reservation.


Mr. Kook and Tae was stuck in a heavy traffic.

"why this happen today arrrgg .. We will be late today Tae..can you please call Ms. Kim that we wil be late because of this heavy traffic and tell my apology too"

Tae call Ms. Kim as what Mr. Kook say.

"Hello! Good Day Ms. Kim... This is Mr. Kook secretary we would like to say sorry to you Ms. Kim..because we will going to be late in our meeting today..we are stuck in a heavy traffic"

"no! Tell Mr. Kook that we can wait... Tell him not to worry.."

"Thank you so much Ms. Kim"

"no problem..bye..woahh why there's something on that secretary im feel at ease talking to him" says by Ms. Kim

-end of call-

Tae told Mr. Kook that Ms. Kim is willing to wait for him. After an hour they arrive at the Italian Restaurant that Ms. Kim is waiting. They dont know that Jaebum is the one waiting there.

"Good Day Mr. Kook this way sir!"

A waiter guide them to where is Jaebum is waiting.

"Mr. Jaebum ... Mr. Kook is here" says by the waiter then leave.

"Hello Mr. Kook .. Have a seat"

"ahmm Where's Ms. Kim?"

"Oh! About that Mr. Kook .. Ms. Kim told me to meet you here because she suddenly have an emergency to do with"

"oh! Okay"

After getting the papers at the Car Tae follow Mr. Kook to give it to him. When he is there he saw Jaebum who is the one helping Tae two times.

"Oh! You why are you here?"

"hey! Tae watch your mouth.. He's our client.." says by Kook.

"huh? Ahhhh im so sorry ...sorry"

When Jaebum see Tae he really feels something for Tae. But still needs to be clarified if Tae was really his lost brother.

"no! Its okay Tae" says by Jaebum

"wait! You know Tae?" says by Kook.

"yes! Mr. Kook i know Tae"

"Ahhh can we not talk about that please" says by Tae who is nervous and awkward.

"alright Mr. Kook .. Lets proceed to our business what can you offer to us?"

Their meeting last for 2 Hours and after that they bid a farewell. And they will just contact Mr. Kook if Ms. Kim will agree to JK's Company Offer.

To be continue...

Authors Note:

"What you give, is what you received"

"Iy you do good, good things will back to you same also if you do bad"

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